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Speaker Guidelines

REMINDER: All speakers must be registered by September 10. If speakers are not registered by September 10, the speaker will be notified that the presentation will be removed from the program.

By August 10, all authors should receive emails directing them to the online program for the date and time of their presentation(s).

Making Your Presentation

Go to the registration area and pick up your 2019 INFORMS Annual Meeting Quick Reference Guide, name badge and other registration materials. The room and location of your session will be listed in the Technical Sessions section of the meeting program and in the Master Track Schedule.

  • Arrive at your session at least 15 minutes early for A/V set-up.
  • Limit your presentation to key issues with a brief summary.
  • Time your presentation to fit within your designated time span (determined by the number of speakers presenting in that session), leaving time for audience questions.
  • Bring copies of your paper or other handouts to distribute to the audience.

Session Chair Guidelines

The role of the Chair is to coordinate the smooth running of the session. The Chair:

  • Begins and ends each session on time. Each session lasts 90 minutes, with the time per presentation determined by the number of papers in the session. Equal time should be given to each paper.
  • Introduces each presentation (just the title of the paper and the name of the presenting author). Ensure that presentations are made in the order shown in the program. This allows for “session jumping.” If a speaker cancels or does not attend, the original time schedule should be adhered to rather than sliding every talk forward.
  • Completes the session attendance form (forms will be in the room).
  • Shows courtesy to Fellow Speakers

Attendees are asked to be respectful of their colleagues by turning off cell phones and mobile devices before the presentations begin. In addition, please note that use of cameras and all recording devices is prohibited during sessions unless you have received prior permission from the speaker.