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Analytics+ Poster Competition

Are you a student or practitioner working on an analytics, data science, or OR/MS project with a company? This is your chance to share what you have been doing and network with top analytics practitioners in the field with a submission to the Analytics+ Poster Competition.

Submit a Poster to Present

Poster research need not be completed but must have an end goal in mind. Submissions are welcomed from all industry professionals and students who wish to present. We strongly encourage potential applicants of the Early Career Professionals’ Network (ECPN) event to participate in this poster session.

Posters can be individual or team submissions. If a team submission wins an award, the prize money will be split evenly among the team members. All submissions must have at least one author registered for the 2025 INFORMS Analytics+ Conference to qualify for a competition prize.

Note: For those who need extra time for sponsor review and/or funding applications, we offer early and expedited review for early submissions on a case-by-case basis for a limited number of slots.

Production & Presentation Guidelines

Posters must be produced as a single-sheet exposition that can fit on the bulletin board provided by INFORMS. The bulletin board measures 90 inches wide by 43 inches tall. We recommend a poster size of 48 inches wide by 60 inches tall or 48 inches wide by 36 inches tall. However, other sizes are acceptable as long as they do not exceed the bulletin board dimensions of 90×43.

In preparing your poster, you may want to reference these online sites that provide templates, as well as printing services. 

Poster Presentation

Make Poster

We strongly recommend that you have your poster printed locally or by an online site before you travel to the meeting, rather than attempt to have it printed on-site at the conference.

“Headline” Posters

Frustrated by trying to fit your paper to the “standard” poster format? Dazed by trying to engage people walking by? This year’s poster session is for you! Along with the standard poster format, we are also accepting and encouraging posters using the “headline” format. Templates are available at We expect each poster, no matter how formatted, to include a QR code to supporting documentation and further details. You can obtain a free QR code here:

For more information on the “headline” poster approach, watch the embedded video below:

Important Dates

All deadlines are as of 11:59pm EST.
Poster Submission Deadline:
March 6, 2025

Final Accept/Decline Decision:
March 13, 2025
Acceptance decisions will be rolling so you are encouraged to submit as early as possible.

Video Presentation Deadline:
April 1, 2025
Provide an at most five-minute video presentation of your poster.

Poster Competition Sessions:
April 7 & 8, 2025

Submit a poster
Poster Presenation