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Steve Roemerman
Steve Roemerman

Steve Roemerman

Chairman and CEO
Lone Star Analysis

Steve Roemerman is the co-founder, Chairman and CEO of Lone Star Analysis. Lone Star Analysis is headquartered in North Texas, with operations in the US, England, and Norway. He has over 30 years of experience leading international organizations. Lone Star Analysis serves clients in government and industry sectors, where analytics and artificial intelligence provide significant benefits. Mr. Roemerman led a multiyear international study defining best practices in AI, modeling, simulation, and analysis. This peer reviewed work is accepted as a definitive standard. He’s received multiple awards and honors many of them for AI. He is an invited lecturer at several graduate schools and universities. His publications include papers, articles, and books. He holds several patents awarded and pending. Steve was a corporate level executive at Texas Instruments and Raytheon. He served as Chair or CEO of other firms and has served on several boards of for-profit corporations, charities, and professional associations. Steve and his wife Colleen live in the Dallas suburbs but enjoy spending time at their ranch looking over the Red River Valley.

Behavioral Economics in Game Theory and Strategic Analytics

Classic Game Theory and much of the published work in strategic analysis assumes competitors share the same value framework and behave rationally. Behavioral economics has shown humans are often far from rational. Competitor valuation of opportunity and assessment of risk are rarely identical. This presentation demonstrates methods to incorporate behavioral economics and provides illustrative examples in real markets. Using Monte Carlo methods, the techniques have been applied across different markets and industries and have been used by government policy makers. Case studies from from these efforts demonstrate the application of behavioral economics in game theory and strategic analytics.