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Zahir Balaporia
Zahir Balaporia

Zahir Balaporia

Independent Contractor

Zahir launched his new career as an independent consultant in 2023, embarking on an adventure that has served clients on three continents—often from the comfort of his home office, the charm of vacation rentals, or the deck of a cruise ship. Before going solo, he spent 29 years wearing many hats: data grunt, analytics team leader, operations manager, software salesperson, solution architect, and consulting team lead. Zahir is passionate about giving clients’ data a voice that speaks directly to their challenges and crafting creative solutions that drive adoption. When he’s not solving business problems, he’s busy overanalyzing his golf stats in pursuit of a single-digit handicap.

Solving Floptimization Problems in Supply Chain Analytics

Flop.ti.mi.zation (noun): The phenomenon where a mathematically sound optimization model fails to achieve success in real-world application due to lack of user acceptance, practical incompatibility, or unforeseen operational challenges. This session will highlight common causes of floptimization, with strategies to mitigate the issue. While change management and adoption methodologies have been around for a while, this talk will go beyond general concepts like “build trust” and “get buy-in” by providing very specific examples and sharing creative ideas to move from floptimization to adoptimization.