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John Thompson Keynote at 2024 INFORMS Regional Analytics Chicago

John K. Thompson

GenAI: Today, Tomorrow, and the Future

GenerativeAI (GenAI) continues to rapidly evolve, and implementations are growing into new operational areas and are addressing new use cases across industries. Almost every company is engaged in leveraging this exciting new branch of AI. Leading companies want to understand how to engage with GenAI to drive competitive advantage. GenAI Agents are an exciting new opportunity to extend how organizations are utilizing GenAI in their operations and how to serve our employees, partners, and customers.

This session will outline the GenAI journey that my team has undertaken over the past 2 years. We will discuss how Agents can and will extend GenAI capabilities. We will examine where Agents can make a difference in a significant number of internal and external applications. We will talk about the candidate technologies that we have evaluated and will use in our efforts to build a world class Agent architecture, foundation, and environment. We will discuss how Skills and Agents relate to each other and how we plan to move from Skills to Agents. We will review the future roadmap and plan to deliver Simple Agents, Intelligent Agents, Polymorphic Agents and more. Bring your questions, this will be an interactive session/discussion.

Kristian Hammond Keynote at 2024 INFORMS Regional Analytics Chicago

Kristian Hammond

Bill and Cathy Osborn Professor of Computer Science, Northwestern University

Managing Transformation: Business and Technology in the Age of Language Models

Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping numerous industries, and one of the most impactful developments in this landscape has been the rise of generative AI systems such as ChatGPT. Powered by a unique blend of machine learning and natural language processing capabilities, ChatGPT has emerged as a transformative technology that has redefined the realm of human-computer interaction. This 90-minute session aims to offer functional review of its core functions, potential applications, and its role in empowering users in their personal and professional lives.

We will navigate how language models can be developed and deployed, demonstrating their potential across sectors such as customer service, education, healthcare, and content creation. Participants will gain insights into how this technology can be tailored to meet individual requirements, thereby enhancing efficiency, productivity, and decision-making capabilities.

We will also discuss the concerns to keep in mind when integrating Language Models into workflows and products. We will address ethical considerations, data privacy, and model training limitations to ensure you make informed decisions that align with your specific needs and values.              

Designed for business leaders and technical decision makers, this talk offers a functional understanding of the business uses of LLMs, how to bring them into the enterprise, and how to avoid possible pitfalls. Our goal is to ensure you walk away with a solid grasp of this game-changing technology and a clear vision of how you can leverage it to stay at the forefront of the digital revolution.

Key takeaways:

  • Understanding the reality of LLMs

  • Use cases and approaches to using LLMs

  • Mistakes to avoid

Colleen Griffin Keynote at 2024 INFORMS Regional Analytics Chicago

Coleen Griffin

Director of IT Engagement for Data & Analytics, Stericycle
David Giard Keynote at 2024 INFORMS Regional Analytics Chicago

David Giard

Partner Solution Architect, Microsoft
Kristina Chambers Keynote at 2024 INFORMS Regional Analytics Chicago

Kristina Chambers

Chief Data and Analytics Officer, TTX Company
Tim Dickson Keynote at 2024 INFORMS Regional Analytics Chicago

Tim Dickson

Chief Digital and Information Officer, Regal Rexnord
Tim Turner Keynote at 2024 INFORMS Regional Analytics Chicago

Tim Turner

Meera Dugar Keynote at 2024 INFORMS Regional Analytics Chicago

Meera Dugar

Vice President, JP Morgan Chase