Mark Elder started working in simulation modeling 2 weeks after he started his first full time position (in the Operations Research group in British Leyland, a large UK based car manufacturer), and has never managed to escape the thrill of seeing clients’ minds open up as they realize the benefits that simulation brings.
After some months building GPSS simulations (and physical wooden models to help communicate the results) he joined the team building SEE-WHY the world’s first commercial, visual-interactive, simulation tool, that later evolved into Witness. While at British Leyland he started a part-time PhD with Bob Hurrion at Warwick University.
In the early 1980s he helped start Insight Scientific (creators of Optik and Genetik visual interactive simulation tools) before, in 1989, he switched to an academic position teaching simulation at Strathclyde University where he finished his PhD with Colin Eden. The “soft OR” approach favored by the Strathclyde group was a significant influence on Mark’s approach to simulation. He believes that only part of the benefit is from the statistical results, whereas much of the client’s learning comes from interacting with the simulation and the process of building the simulation.
In 1994, feeling the time was right for a high-volume, drag and drop simulation tool, he founded Simul8 Corporation (from which he retired in 2024 – Simul8 is now part of Minitab).
Mark is a “Fellow” of the Operational Research Society, who also awarded him a Beale medal, and he currently chairs its accreditation panel.
Mark continues to attend academic simulation conferences, conduct pro-bono simulation projects and ride his mountain bike.