
Advanced Tutorials

Track Coordinators: Javier Faulin (Public University of Navarre), Giulia Pedrielli (Arizona State University)

The Advanced Tutorial track is oriented toward experienced practitioners and researchers who want to hear about the most recent developments, presented in a directly applicable form. The track encourages tutorials that focus on topics of special interest, as well as the latest theory and methods and resulting modeling, simulation, and analysis tools. Also of interest are pertinent topics in related disciplines, such as social network, healthcare, epidemic disease, energy, emergency response, augmented and virtual reality, simulation of big-data, blockchain, and so on. These special-focus sessions give practitioners and researchers a survey of recent fundamental advances in the discipline of modeling and simulation.

Agent-Based Simulation

Track Coordinators: Andrew Collins (Old Dominion University), Martijn Mes (University of Twente)

The Agent-Based Simulation (ABS) track is interested in theoretical, methodological, and applied research that involves synergistic interaction between simulation and agent technologies. It covers multi-agent systems, agent-based simulation, and agent-directed simulation. Contributions to the ABS track can be advancements of agent-based simulation modeling (including high-level specification, execution platforms, modeling languages, validation methods, output analysis, and experimental methodologies); studies of complex adaptive systems or self-organizing emergent phenomena using agent-based models; ABS advancement through emerging topics like artificial intelligence, analytics, and big-data; and ABS applications in any field (including fields that do not usually have ABS applied like the humanities and arts). Contributions of particular interest include autonomous systems and agent-behavior modeling. Also of interest are contributions that demonstrate the use of agents as support facilities to enable computer assistance in simulation-based problem solving (i.e., agent-supported simulation) or the development of agent behavior.

Analysis Methodology

Track Coordinators: Dohyun Ahn (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Ben Feng (University of Waterloo), Eunhye Song (Georgia Institute of Technology)

The Analysis Methodology track invites research contributions to mathematical and computational aspects of computer simulation. This may be a new problem formulation, estimation procedure, algorithm design, proof technique, and more. Combining state-of-the-art methodologies in other adjacent areas such as statistics, computational physics, applied mathematics, data science, and machine learning to push the research frontier of simulation is particularly welcome. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Simulation experiment design
  • Input modeling and output analysis
  • Risk and uncertainty quantification
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Variance reduction techniques
  • Rare-event simulation
  • Improving algorithmic efficiency
  • Metamodeling
  • Simulation model validation and calibration

Aviation Modeling and Analysis

Track Coordinators: Miguel Mujica Mota (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences), Michael Schultz (Bundeswehr University Munich), John Shortle (George Mason University)

The world’s air transportation system is preparing for an influx of new users with diverse needs, while simultaneously growing in its traditional areas. The Aviation Track aims to cover most of the important areas of the aviation industry where simulation alone or together with other techniques can provide solutions. Therefore, we invite researchers from research institutions, universities, airlines, air navigation service providers, and industry to submit original papers presenting results of their work.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Human-in-the-Loop simulations for training and for evaluating new technologies
  • Airports
  • Capacity & efficiency improvement
  • Airport capacity forecast
  • Business intelligence for airports
  • Multi-Airport Systems
  • Small and regional airport development
  • Airline operations
  • Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul and Lean MRO
  • Optimization of operational processes or specific problems in aviation
  • Air Traffic Management
  • ATC/AIRPORT systems
  • Digital / remote tower operations
  • Predictability of air transportation operations
  • Unmanned airborne systems
  • Trajectory modeling
  • Safety of interactions with manned aviation
  • Air traffic control concepts
  • Development of incident investigation
  • Environmental effects of aviation
  • Cargo problems in aviation
  • Multimodality where aviation is involved
  • Economics of the air transportation system
  • Communications, navigation, and surveillance systems

Commercial Case Studies

Track Coordinator: Saurabh Parakh (MOSIMTEC)

Click here for more information. 

Complex and Generative Systems

Track Coordinators:  Saurabh Mittal (MITRE Corporation), Claudia Szabo (University of Adelaide)

This track is focused on the modeling, simulation, and engineering of complex, intelligent, adaptive, and generative systems and how they handle faults, system issues, and emergent behaviors, and provide new capabilities. The increasing popularity of the Generative AI technologies emphasizes that GenAI-enabled will be integrated in all the facets of society. These new class of systems will need to be integrated with existing systems within a system of systems (SoS) context. This SoS may also incorporate adaptive and autonomous elements (such as systems that have different levels of autonomy and situated behavior). This makes design, analysis, and testing for the system-at-hand a complex endeavor itself.

The system’s behavior is also determined by the input, which evolves from the dynamic environment. This exact factor is difficult to predict, due to an ever-increasing level of autonomy and complexity. Advanced Modeling and Simulation (M&S) frameworks are required to facilitate SoS design, development, testing, and integration. In more particular, these frameworks must provide methods to deal with intelligent, emergent, autonomous, adaptive and generative behavior.

The subject of emergent behavior and M&S of emergent behaviors takes the center stage in such systems as it is unknown how a system responds in the face of emergent behavior arising out of interactions with other complex systems. The generative aspect integrated from GenAI technology impacting the behavior space of the SoS introduce further uncertainty that must be quantified. Intelligent behavior is also defined as an emergent property in some complex systems. Consequently, systems that respond and adapt to such behaviors may be called intelligent systems as well. With integrated generative technologies, such as Large Language Models (LLMs) and the associated vast amounts of corpus of data, the community is already pursuing Artificial Generative Intelligence (AGI). This track has two objectives.

The first objective aims to focus on M&S of the following aspects of complex SoS engineering with a focus on generative and intelligent systems, and brings researchers, developers and industry practitioners working in the areas of complex, generative and autonomous SoS engineering. This objective covers the following topics:

  • Theory for complex, intelligence-based, adaptive and generative systems
  • Computational intelligence and cognitive systems
  • Human-in-the-loop systems and Human-on-the-loop systems
  • M&S Frameworks for intelligent and generative behavior
  • Methodologies, tools, and architectures for adaptive generative systems
  • Knowledge engineering, generation, and management
  • Weak and Strong emergent behavior, Emergent Engineering
  • Complex adaptive systems engineering employing LLMs
  • Self-* (organization, generative, explanation, configuration) capability and collaborative behavior
  • Applications to robotics, unmanned vehicles systems, swarm technology, semantic web technology, and multi-agent systems
  • Live, Virtual and Constructive (LVC) environments
  • Modeling, engineering, testing and verification of complex and generative behavior
  • Modeling, simulating, and testing generative applications

The second objective is to incorporate Complexity Science in simulation models. Complexity is a multi-level phenomenon that exists at structural, behavioral and knowledge levels in such SoS. Emergent behavior is an outcome of this complexity. Understanding emergent behavior as an outcome of this complexity will provide a foundation for generative intelligent systems, and the M&S thereof. Topics related to this objective include, but are not limited to handling of:

  • Complexity in Structure: network, hierarchical, small-world, flat, etc.
  • Complexity in Behavior: Micro and macro behaviors, local and global behaviors, teleologic and epistemological behaviors
  • Complexity in Knowledge: ontology design, ontology-driven modeling, ontology-evaluation, ontology transformation, etc.
  • Complexity in Human-in-the-loop: artificial agents, cognitive agents, multi-agents, man-in-loop, human-computer-interaction
  • Complexity in Human-on-the-loop: trust modeling, human-machine-interaction
  • Complexity in intelligence-based systems: Situated behavior, knowledge-based behavior, mnemonic behavior, resource-constrained systems, energy-aware systems
  • Complexity in adaptation and autonomy
  • Complexity in architecture: Flat, full-mesh, hierarchical, adaptive, swarm, transformative
  • Complexity in awareness: Self-* (organization, generative, explanation, configuration)
  • Complexity in interactions: collaboration, negotiation, greedy, rule-based, environment-based, etc.
  • Complexity in LVC environments
  • Complexity in artificial systems, social systems, techno-economic-social systems
  • Complexity in model engineering of complex SoS employing LLMs
  • Complexity in model specification using modeling languages and architecture frameworks such as UML, PetriNets, SysML, DoDAF, MoDAF, UAF, etc.
  • Complexity in simulation infrastructure engineering: distributed simulation, parallel simulation, cloud simulation, netcentric parallel distributed environments
  • Complexity in Testing and Evaluation (T&E) tools for SoS engineering
  • Complexity in Heterogeneity: Hardware/Software Co-design, Hardware in the Loop, Cyber-Physical Systems, the Internet of Things
  • Metrics for Complexity design and evaluation
  • Complexity in verification, validation, and accreditation in SoS
  • Complexity of Application in domain model engineering: Financial, Power, Robotics, Swarm, Economic, Policy, etc.
  • Complexity in SoS failure

Data Science and Simulation

Track Coordinators: Abdolreza Abhari (Toronto Metropolitan University), Cheng-Bang Chen (University of Miami), Niclas Feldkamp (TU Ilmenau)

The Data Science and Simulation track aims to promote novel contributions in the use and generation of big data within simulations as well as using data science to aid understanding of simulation results. This track welcomes all methodological, technical, and application area-focused contributions that advance the modeling and simulation body of knowledge. Some topics of interest include:

  • Big Data in simulation
  • Data analytics for simulation
  • Machine learning methods to generate synthetic data
  • Simulating massive data processing systems
  • Digital Twin Simulations
  • Machine learning and data mining in modeling and simulation
  • Data-Driven techniques for modeling and simulation
  • Deep learning in modeling and simulation
  • Hybrid approaches of combining simulation and machine Learning
  • Simulation initialization techniques using big data
  • Big data management/processing techniques for simulations
  • Ontologies for big data modeling
  • Data science pipelines for modeling for simulations
  • Data science and social networks in simulation
  • Simulation of cloud computing and distributed systems

Environment, Sustainability, and Resilience

Track Coordinators: Jiaqi Ge (University of Leeds), Shima Mohebbi (George Mason University)

The Environment, Sustainability, and Resilience track focuses on the theory and application of simulation and modeling to derive innovative and resilient solutions to environmental and sustainability challenges. Application areas include infrastructure systems, cyber-physical systems, ecological systems, renewable resources, transportation, buildings, farming, manufacturing, and urban/city science. We solicit papers presenting new ideas, concepts, models, methods, tools, standards, and applications to achieve sustainability and resiliency in natural and built environments. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Decision support and analytics for sustainability
  • Smart, connected, and resilient infrastructure
  • Social dynamics and policy innovations of managing sustainable infrastructure systems
  • Simulation and network modeling for resilience assessment
  • Environmental modelling, visualization, and optimization
  • Renewable resources and related processes
  • Smart building systems and robust design
  • Energy/resource-efficient manufacturing
  • Smart and resilient grids
  • Information modeling and interoperability
  • Energy-efficient and sustainable urban planning and design
  • Intelligent transportation systems
  • Human-environment interaction
  • Ecological systems
  • Compound hazards and their impact on communities and engineered systems
  • Environmental risk assessment and mitigation
  • Human adaptation to climate

Healthcare and Life Sciences

Track Coordinators: Tugce Martagan (Eindhoven University of Technology), Varun Ramamohan (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)

The Healthcare and Life Sciences track addresses important areas in which simulation can provide critical decision support for operational and strategic planning and decision making that individual providers (doctors/nurses, clinics, urgent care centers, hospitals) face, as well as for policy issues that must be addressed by administering systems (e.g., hospitals, insurance companies, and governments). Traditionally, this track has been broad in focus, incorporating Discrete Event Simulation, System Dynamics, Agent-Based Simulation, and/or Monte Carlo simulations, with a variety of applications. A common thread is the use of simulation tools to provide insight into, or to inform, decisions for improved healthcare performance measures and outcomes. New modeling tools that address challenges with the conceptualization or implementation of healthcare systems, and general healthcare simulations are welcome. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Admissions and control
  • Ancillary services
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Emergency room access
  • Epidemic and pandemic modeling
  • General healthcare simulation
  • Global Health
  • Healthcare optimization
  • Healthcare systems
  • Medical decision making
  • Outpatient access
  • Outpatient capacity analysis
  • Payment/Payer models
  • Performance improvement models
  • Pricing models
  • Resource scheduling (e.g., nurse, doctor, anaesthesiologist, residents, equipment, etc.)

Hybrid Modeling & Simulation

Track Coordinators: Masoud Fakhimi (University of Surrey), Nav Mustafee (University of Exeter)

The Hybrid Modeling and Simulation track welcomes submissions from authors whose research necessitated the overcoming of limitations of using a single simulation approach by employing hybrid simulation (HS) formulation consisting of combinations of discrete-event simulation (DES), agent-based modeling (ABM), system dynamics (SD), and Monte Carlo simulation. We also welcome papers that have considered the integration of simulation techniques (as above) with research paradigms, frameworks and methodologies, techniques, tools and methods of enquiry from a wider plethora of techniques used in Operations Research (e.g., qualitative system dynamics and soft system methodologies with discrete-event simulation; analytical modeling with computer simulation; DEA and MCDA with DES), as also disciplines wider than only M&S and OR, such as computer science and applied computing, system design, data science and AI, economics, psychology and humanities. Such cross-disciplinary hybrid models (HM) may include work that has combined ABM, DES and SD, or indeed a hybrid simulation, with design science (e.g., use of design and platform thinking in the conceptualization of a simulation study), systems engineering and automation (e.g., digital twins integrated with data acquisition systems), machine learning and AI (e.g., use of reinforcement learning feedback with simulation), generative AI (e.g., use of LLMs/ChatGPT for better comprehension of simulation output), etc.

In summary, the hybrid simulation and modeling track welcomes papers that have combined simulation techniques such as ABS, DES and SD (also referred to as hybrid simulation – HS) OR have used simulation with one or more techniques from disciplines outside M&S (referred to as hybrid modeling – HM), thereby providing greater synergy for the solution and deeper insights into the problem, compared to what can be achieved through the application of single techniques.

Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Literature reviews in hybrid simulation (HS) and hybrid modeling (HM)
  • Taxonomies and conceptualizations of HS and HM
  • Methodology focusing on the development of frameworks and modeling formalisms to support hybrid M&S
  • Case studies on hybrid M&S in domains such as healthcare, manufacturing, supply chain, circular economy and sustainability, defense and policy.
  • Technical papers on the development of software artefacts for supporting hybrid M&S.
  • Papers on validation and verification of hybrid models.
  • Application of hybrid simulation in behavioral studies (commonly referred to as Behavioral Operations Research).
  • Digital twins whose implementation includes multiple computing artefacts, e.g., simulation with machine learning, or which requires integration with real-time systems using approaches commonly found in industrial engineering, computer science and software engineering.
  • Hybrid models that include both data-driven learning (e.g., supervised and unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, process mining) with computer simulation.
  • Hybrid models that use AI and LLMs in one or more stages of a simulation study (e.g., in developing the conceptual model, code generation for open-source simulation software, and improving the comprehension of simulation outputs for the stakeholders)

Introductory Tutorials

Track Coordinators: Chang-Han Rhee (Northwestern University), Antuela Tako (Nottingham Trent University)

The Introductory Tutorials track is oriented toward professionals in modeling and simulation interested in broadening, refreshing, and expanding their knowledge of the field. The track covers a wide range of topics including mathematical and statistical foundations, methods, application areas, software tools, and analysis tools. In addition, the track also encourages tutorials that provide an accessible introduction to emerging research topics in simulation.

Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Transportation

Track Coordinators: Montasir Abbas (Virginia Tech), Majsa Ammouriova (German Jordanian University), David Goldsman (Georgia Institute of Technology), Markus Rabe (Technische Universität Dortmund)

The nature of today’s highly dynamic, stochastic, and complex networks of supply, intralogistics, and distribution has led to decreasing transparency of enterprise processes, while at the same time increasing failure risks. These issues also apply for deliveries to the end customer, e.g., at collection points or at home delivery. In addition, pollution and climate change have created a demand for new concepts in urban logistics as well as careful planning in this uncertain field. Therefore, managers who are responsible for supply chain management and logistics require effective tools to provide credible analysis in this challenging environment. In order to facilitate the discussion of the best applications of simulation in this timely area, the LSCT track includes papers in logistics simulation, supply chain simulation, and simulation for planning, analyzing, and improving transportation in a wide scope encompassing topics from the detailed intralogistics level up to global supply chains. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Green supply chain design
  • Supply chain resilience
  • Supply chain risk analysis
  • Simulation-based optimization of supply chains
  • Supply chain operations
  • Demand and order fulfillment
  • Inventory policies
  • Warehouse management
  • Intralogistics and advanced material flow systems
  • Omni-channel logistics
  • Online purchase delivery concepts
  • Urban transport
  • Last-mile logistics
  • Crowdshipping
  • Multi-modal logistics systems
  • Port operations
  • Rail operations
  • Road networks and traffic management

Manufacturing & Industry 4.0

Track Coordinators: Alp Akcay (Eindhoven University of Technology), Christoph Laroque (University of Applied Sciences Zwickau), Gordon Shao (NIST)

Simulation is the model-based methodology for analyzing dynamical inter-dependencies in manufacturing systems. The Manufacturing Applications track is interested in research work using simulation in industrial application areas as found in the automotive, aircraft and shipbuilding industries, among others. Manufacturing applications relate to the model-based analysis of (i) all production and logistics processes within a company or along a supply chain, and (ii) all phases of a system life cycle, such as system acquisition, system design and planning, implementation, start of operation and ramp-up, as well as the operations itself.

A contribution shall describe the aims of investigation, the investigated system, the simulation model, the experimental plan, the findings, and any implementation results. Additionally, specific challenges like system complexity, data collection and preparation, or verification and validation may be pointed out. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Manufacturing
  • Applications of simulation-based optimization in production
  • Cyber-physical systems, Industry 4.0 / Industry 5.0
  • Production planning and scheduling
  • Lean management
  • Total Quality Management
  • Maintenance and Lifecycle-Assessment
  • Integration of energy and carbon footprint
  • Digital Production Twins

Military and National Security 

Track Coordinators: Lance Champaign (Air Force Institute of Technology), Jamie Grymes (U.S. Military Academy)

The Military and National Security Applications Track is interested in papers that describe the application of modeling and simulation theory, techniques, tools and technologies to challenges in the military and national security domain. Example application areas include: battle management command and control, air and missile defense, campaign analysis, weapon-target pairing, multi-domain operations, sustainment operations, operational testing and evaluation, wargaming and assessments, CBRNE defense, critical infrastructure analysis, homeland defense and domestic civil support operations, cybersecurity, information operations, electronic warfare, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, medical and healthcare operations, manpower and personnel, readiness and training, cost, risk and decision analysis, special operations, etc.

Topics of special interest include, but are not limited to, challenges and innovations for representation and implementation of command, control and communications, swarm intelligence, cybersecurity operations, cyber threat intelligence, social media analytics, hardware-in-the-loop simulations, human-machine teaming, future platforms and weapons prototyping, synthetic environments, multi-sensor fusion, complex behaviors of semi-automated forces, electronic warfare, expeditionary medical operations, automatic scenario planning and experimentation, and multi-resolution models. Papers investigating an innovative use of edge/fog/cloud technologies, gaming technology, mixed reality technology, artificial intelligence and machine learning technology, big data technologies, distributed computing technology, and networking technology for military and national security applications are also welcome!

Modeling & Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing (MASM)

Track Coordinators:  John W. Fowler (Arizona State University), Lars Mönch (University of Hagen)

Click here for more information. 

Modeling Methodology

Track Coordinators: Rodrigo Castro (University of Buenos Aires), Andrea D’Ambrogio (University of Rome Tor Vergata), Gabriel Wainer (Carleton University)

The Modeling Methodology track is interested in methodological advances with respect to the theory and practice of modeling and simulation. These may include approaches to model development, model building, verification, validation, experimentation, and optimization. Contributions to the advancement of the technology and the software used to support modeling are also welcome as are contributions featuring guiding or unifying frameworks, the development and application of meaningful formal methods, and lessons learned. If you have an idea for a special session or a panel discussion of particular interest to the WSC participants, please send an email with a short description and references to the work of relevant experts to the track chairs. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Modeling paradigms
  • Formal modeling languages
  • Modeling approaches for real-time systems
  • Technological advances in modeling software
  • Spatial and temporal modeling
  • Multilevel modeling
  • Multi-paradigm modeling
  • Multi-formalism modeling
  • Model reuse, repositories, and retrieval
  • Parallel and Distributed simulation
  • Modeling with ontologies
  • Semantic tools supporting modeling methods
  • Standardization challenges
  • Modeling and Simulation for Cyber-Physical Systems

PhD Colloquium

Chair: Eunhye Song (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Members: Cristina Ruiz Martin (Carleton University), Alison Harper (University of Exeter), Sara Shashaani (North Carolina State University)

In 2025, ACM-SIGSIM and INFORMS-Sim will once again sponsor the PhD Colloquium for PhD students who are within two years of graduation (planning to graduate by December 2027). Students close to graduation will be given an opportunity to showcase their work during a short presentation session and a poster during the Colloquium (apart from the regular tracks). Presenting your PhD work to your peers and the larger simulation community will give you the opportunity to receive valuable feedback and ideas, as well as introduce you to a network that can be very helpful for your career once you graduate.

Visit the PhD Colloquium page for additional details. 

Poster Session

Track Coordinators: Le Khanh Ngan Nguyen (University of Strathclyde), Juan Leonardo Sarli (The National Technological University – Santa Fe Regional Faculty)

The Poster Session offers a timely venue to present and discuss new modeling and simulation research through a forum encouraging graphical presentation, demonstration, and active engagement among Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) participants. We are seeking outstanding extended abstracts (2 pages) submissions to be presented in a poster format at the conference. Competitive contributions will present interesting recent results, novel ideas or works-in-progress that are not quite ready for a regular full-length paper. Contributions from PhD students are particularly welcome. Submitted manuscripts should follow the standard template for WSC submission, and should not exceed the 2 pages limit. Extended abstract submissions are encouraged in all areas of modeling and simulation covered by WSC.

Please refer to the Poster Session page for more information.

Professional Development

Track Coordinators: Caroline Krejci (The University of Texas at Arlington), Nav Mustafee (University of Exeter)

In this track, we explore the transformative role of the application of simulation and how it influences the professional sphere, emphasizing its capacity to enhance skills in communication, leadership, problem-solving, and more, while also showcasing its application across industries. This track invites a diverse dialogue, focusing on graduate students, challenges for women and underrepresented groups, early-career academics, and academia-industry partnerships. Through this lens, we aim to highlight how simulation can transcend traditional boundaries, empowering professionals to not only envision but realize the vast potential simulation, fostering a future where inspiration and simulation drive groundbreaking innovation.

Project Management and Construction

Track Coordinators: Eric Du (University of Florida), Joseph Louis (Oregon State University)

The Project Management and Construction track includes innovative research as well as practical application papers that apply computer simulation to complex project and construction management problems. Computer simulation encompasses a broad range of data-driven, quantitative methods including, but not limited to:

  • Discrete event simulation
  • Continuous simulation
  • System dynamics
  • Big data analytics
  • Virtual/Augmented reality
  • Automation and robotics
  • Emerging AI techniques

Applications include, but are not limited to

  • Complex project planning and scheduling
  • Planning for integrated project delivery
  • Construction safety planning
  • Off-site production and modularization systems
  • Site operations and layout planning
  • Human behavior and organization modeling
  • Sustainable built environment
  • Simulation as a project management education tool
  • Lean production systems
  • Sensed environments for simulation
  • Project portfolio management
  • System optimization and control

Reliability Modeling and Simulation

Track Coordinators: Sanja Lazarova-Molnar (University of Southern Denmark), Olufemi Omitaomu (Oak Ridge National Lab), Li Xueping (University of Tennessee-Knoxville)

Complex real-time systems need to have their dependability and reliability evaluated and addressed to ensure that systems perform satisfactorily despite the presence of faults. Systems’ design decisions are also influenced by these evaluations. Simulation has often been utilized for this purpose. This track covers the use of modeling and simulation for the analysis of reliability and dependability of systems. Further relevant topics are listed as follows:

  • data-driven reliability modeling
  • simulation for optimizing repair and maintenance strategies
  • reliability models for hardware and software
  • reliability modeling of cyber-physical systems
  • modeling and simulation of fault-tolerant systems
  • fault models and fault abstraction
  • reliability modeling formalisms
  • predictive maintenance
  • dependability analysis using simulation and experimental measurement
  • prognostics & health management
  • case studies of using simulation for reliability analysis

Scientific AI and Applications

Track Coordinators: Rafael Mayo-García (CIEMAT), Esteban Mocskos (Universidad de Buenos Aires)

The ‘Scientific AI and Applications’ track is focused on theory, experimentation, and engineering practices that form the basis for the design and use of simulation methodologies in science, including artificial intelligence and evolutionary algorithms. The objective of the track is to be a point of transversal communication in which methodologies, techniques, tools, and practical issues in any specific scientific domain can be extended and adopted by others.

According to the general WSC 2025 motto, contributions addressing simulations tackling future challenges on any scientific and/or technological field are very welcome. Hence, topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Application of Artificial Intelligence for solving simulated phenomena
  • Applied simulation methodologies
  • Challenges in performance evaluation of scientific applications
  • Data-driven workflows
  • Digital twins of scientific ecosystems and facilities
  • Evolutionary algorithms applied in science
  • Large-scale debugging and analysis tools
  • Modeling tools and frameworks
  • Networking technologies in scientific applications
  • Scaling methodologies
  • Scientific data retrieval, storage, and processing
  • Successful use cases
  • Support for the development of scientific applications
  • Usage of new technologies and architectures

Simulation Around the World

Track Coordinator: María Julia Blas (INGAR CONICET-UTN), Stewart Robinson (Newcastle University)

Click here for more information.

Simulation and Artificial Intelligence

Track Coordinators: Mohammad Deghani (Northeastern University), Edward Hua (MITRE Corporation), Yijie Peng (Peking University)

The integration of simulation modeling and Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been highly successful over the past few years. Simulation modeling is an effective tool for analyzing the performance of complex stochastic systems, while Artificial Intelligence has demonstrated significant success in addressing decision-making challenges. The combination of both brings the best of both worlds, where simulation data, as a clean and processed dataset, enhances AI applications to unlock new opportunities. Major AI fields such as deep learning and reinforcement learning have played a crucial role in harnessing the potential of this integration. Additionally, recent advancements in generative AI (GenAI) are opening new avenues for innovation and creativity in simulation and decision-making processes.

This track invites papers and presentations about state-of-the-art research at the intersection of simulation and AI. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Simulation and AI methodologies
  • AI for adaptive simulations
  • Generative models for simulation
  • GenAI-enabled simulations
  • Large Language Models (LLMs) in simulation
  • Simulation-based machine learning
  • Simulation-based reinforcement learning
  • AI-driven simulation modeling and optimization
  • Applications of Simulation and AI
  • Simulation and AI in parallel computing environment
  • Simulation to train generative AI model
  • Simulation for AI safety and ethics
  • Multi-agent systems and simulation
  • AI for simulation verification and validation (V&V)
  • Simulation for AI explainability
  • AI-enhanced simulation for complex systems
  • Human-AI interaction in simulated environments
  • AI for predictive simulation
  • Simulation in AI-driven robotics

Simulation as Digital Twin

Track Coordinators: Haobin Li (National University of Singapore), Giovanni Lugaresi (KU Leuven), Jie Xu (George Mason University)

Simulation is a relevant enabling technology for fully exploiting data streams to make fast predictions, quantifying continuous improvement actions and making smart decisions in real-time. This track is interested in research contributions on simulation theory and applications to support complex processes such as production, logistics, service delivery, etc. A particular interest is on models and algorithms to create, update, and keep synchronized simulation models with physical systems, as well as methodologies of simulation modelling, prediction, and optimization methods suitable for making intelligent decisions in real-time data stream environments. Data-driven approaches are also well aligned with the track being the enablers for skill-free technologies and the integration with artificial intelligence. Contributions describing physical and/or digital laboratories to test new models, methods, and tools for simulation as digital twin are also appreciated. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Data-driven simulation modelling & validation
  • Production planning and control
  • Real time simulation-based control
  • Simulation-based optimization
  • Simulation-based closed-loop controls
  • On-line validation
  • Physical-to-digital synchronization and alignment
  • Cyber-physical systems
  • Digital Twins
  • Manufacturing
  • De-manufacturing and circular economy
  • Transportation and logistics
  • Automated warehouses
  • Operations and supply chains
  • Maintenance
  • Healthcare systems
  • Traffic control
  • Service systems

Simulation in Education

Track Coordinators: Omar Ashour (Penn State University), Ashkan Negahban (Penn State University)

The Simulation in Education track aims to share pedagogical, andragogical, and didactic approaches that employ or promote the use of simulation in education. These approaches could utilize technology-enhanced environments (e.g., video games, simulations, mixed reality, pervasive computing), non-technology environments/approaches (e.g., Lego simulations and role-play), or a combination of both. The track is focused on educators and trainers who are interested in incorporating simulations into classrooms and/or training programs to educate the next generation of scientists, engineers, healthcare professionals, artists, humanists, and social scientists.

The track also covers teaching and learning methods for developing modeling and simulation skills. All learning delivery modes and situations are of interest, i.e., in-person vs remote learning, formal vs informal learning, K-12, higher education, professional training, continuing education, adult learning, etc.   

The track seeks work from all disciplines including but not limited to engineering, science, medicine, arts, humanities, and social sciences. The sessions in this track will cover a wide range of topics including but not limited to:

  • The design and development of simulation methods
  • Teaching, learning, and assessment approaches for simulation education
  • Use of technology and immersive environments in education (virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, video games, artificial intelligence, etc.)
  • Best practices and case studies of using simulation in education
  • New tools and techniques for using simulation in education
  • Challenges in implementing simulation in education
  • Hands-on workshops or demonstrations of simulation software packages
  • Simulation-based and experiential learning

Simulation in Space (NEW)

Track Coordinators: Maziar Ghorbani (Brunel University of London), Anastasia Anagnostou (Brunel University of London)

Simulation has been widely used in Space systems to analyse and validate new approaches and equipment, and to train people in their use. Simulation is a critical technique in Space research as the target environments cannot be easily reached. With new and ambitious space programs being developed, new challenges and uses of simulation are needed. The Simulation in Space Track aims to showcase the use of simulation across Space agencies and industries as well as new innovations in simulation to support these. We invite original contributions from academic institutions, space agencies and industries that present the results of simulation research, innovation and application in Space. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Satellite simulation
  • Commercial space travel
  • Space station simulation
  • Space tourism
  • Lunar habitation
  • Internet of Space
  • Lunar Internet simulation
  • Interplanetary Internet simulation
  • Space Simulation Standards

Simulation Optimization

Track Coordinators: David Eckman (Texas A&M University), Siyang Gao (City University of Hong Kong), Yuwei Zhou (Indiana University)

The Simulation Optimization track focuses on the design, analysis, and application of algorithms that can be coupled with computer simulations to identify decision variable values that optimize one or more simulation performance measures of interest. This track is interested in papers on the development of new algorithms accompanied by analysis of the algorithm’s theoretical, empirical, and computational performance. The track also welcomes papers that compare existing simulation-optimization algorithms or apply them to real-world problems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Global and black-box optimization
  • Simheuristics
  • Metaheuristics
  • Discrete optimization via simulation
  • Ranking and selection
  • Stochastic programming
  • Sample average approximation
  • Stochastic approximation methods
  • Metamodel-based methods
  • Multi-objective optimization
  • Optimization with stochastic constraints
  • Approximate dynamic programming and reinforcement learning
  • Optimal learning
  • Active learning
  • Multi-armed bandit methods

Uncertainty Quantification & Robust Simulation

Track Coordinators: Ilya Ryzhov (University of Maryland), Wei Xie (Northeastern University)

The Uncertainty Quantification and Robust Simulation track aims to cover mathematical, statistical, algorithmic, and application advances in uncertainty quantification and robust simulation, which facilitate characterization, quantification, and management of various sources of uncertainty inherent in the use of simulation models to guide optimal design and control for complex stochastic systems. The sources of uncertainty include the observation errors in real-world data sets used to improve the model fidelity of digital twins, calibrate the input and state transition models, and validate the simulation model, structural uncertainty, numerical uncertainty, etc. These uncertainties can impact, e.g., simulation-based predictive accuracy, simulation optimization, sensitivity analysis, optimal learning, and feasibility assessment in various ways and to different extents. Papers investigating various sources of uncertainty and their impacts that are broadly defined are welcome. Contributions can include the development of quantification criteria, novel statistical or mathematical methods to assess the impacts of different sources of uncertainty or errors, the efficiency analyses or improvements of existing methods, and applications of these methods in different domain contexts. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Input uncertainty quantification criteria and methods
  • Robustness in input modeling and selection
  • Model risk quantification and reduction
  • Model calibration and validation
  • Data assimilation
  • Risk-sensitive simulation optimization
  • Robustness against model misspecifications in simulation logic and state transition
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Optimal learning and data collection


Track Coordinators: Amy Brown Greer (MOSIMTEC LLC)

In addition to the Sunday Workshops, exhibitors can participate in the Vendor Track at WSC. The Vendor Track provides an opportunity for companies that market modeling and simulation technology and services, or related services (e.g., statistical analyses) to present their innovations and successful applications.

For each slot in the Vendor Track, vendors should submit a 2-page Extended Abstract.  Extended Abstracts appear online and in the final program, but neither appear in the archival proceedings (due to IEEE rules). Extended Abstracts are reviewed by the track coordinators and may entail revisions. Extended Abstracts must use the Authors Kit to adhere to the publication format requirements.

For more details on participating as an exhibitor, click here.