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Exhibitor Information

Exhibit Hours and Events

Day Time Event
Saturday, October 19 12noon-5pm Exhibitor Move-in
Sunday, October 20 8-10am Exhibitor Move-in
  12noon-5pm Exhibits Open
  3:30-4pm Coffee Break in Flex C
  6:15-8pm Welcome Reception with Exhibitors
Monday, October 21 9am-5pm Exhibits Open
  9:15-9:45am Coffee Break in Flex C
  12:45-2pm Poster Session
  3:30-4pm Coffee Break in Flex C
Tuesday, October 22 9am-5pm Exhibits Open
  9:15-9:45am Coffee Break in Flex C
  12:45-2pm Poster Session
  3:30-4pm Coffee Break in Flex C
Tuesday, October 22 5-9pm Exhibitor Move-out*

*Early dismantling is disruptive to the exhibit floor; therefore, exhibitors may not pack, tear down, or remove any portion of their exhibit prior to the official closing at 5pm, Tuesday, October 22.


The 2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting exhibits will be located in Flex C on Level 2 of the Seattle Convention Center Summit building.

Details about Your 10′ x 10′ booth:

  • 8′ back drape and 3′ side drape are provided.
  • Exhibit booth furniture, AV, Internet, and electrical are not included. Please download the Exhibitor Service Manual to place orders for these items.
  • Note: Flex C is fully carpeted. There is no need to order additional flooring for your booth unless you choose to do so.


Exhibits will open for exhibitor-only access one hour before the published exhibit hours above. Exception: Exhibitors may enter the Flex C 15 minutes before Sunday’s Welcome Reception.

Exhibitors must leave Flex C promptly after the published closing hours above. Exception: Tuesday’s move-out hours.

Important Exhibitor Alerts

As an exhibitor, you may receive emails and phone calls from various companies offering hotel rooms at discounted rates, attendee lists, etc. These companies are NOT affiliated with INFORMS and are NOT authorized by INFORMS to contact exhibitors. Do not reply to these requests.

These pirates threaten the meetings and events industry as they disrupt the process and cause confusion. They aim to scam exhibitors and attendees and have them purchase fraudulent lists or book rooms that may never be reserved or exist.

Your personal contact information is never posted online by INFORMS and is only shared with the service providers authorized by INFORMS (i.e., Shepard Exposition, Multiview, Prestige AV, and The Wyman Company).

All Annual Meeting correspondence will be sent directly from INFORMS or one of its official service providers via an email newsletter or direct email. If any correspondence is received from an unsolicited source, please do not respond to any of their inquiries.

Help Us Help You!

If your company has received fraudulent emails or phone calls soliciting you to purchase attendee lists, book hotel rooms, or other products/services, please file a report!

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has created a new process for individuals and companies to report these activities. The FTC will share these reports with their law enforcement partners to help with investigations and stop these practices.

How to file a fraud report:

  • Go to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission website:
  • Click on “Report Now”
  • For Question 1: “Is your report about any of these common problems?” Select “An Impersonator” (top left answer)
  • For Question 2:”Who were they pretending to be?” Select “Well-known or trusted business”
  • Click “Continue”
  • Add as much information as you have and submit!

Thank you for helping us report these frauds! With enough complaints, we can work to stop these practices from targeting exhibitors!