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2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting Program Agenda

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Saturday, October 19

Time Event
7am–5pm INFORMS Self Check-in & Registration
TBD Early Career Teachers’ Network (ECTN) Workshop
7:30am–5pm INFORMS Combined Colloquia*
7:30am–5pm INFORMS 8th Workshop on Data Science*
7:30am–5pm INFORMS 19th Workshop on Data Mining & Decision Analytics*
10am–12:30pm Exhibitor Workshops
1–3:30pm Exhibitor Workshops
4–6:30pm Exhibitor Workshops

* Additional Registration and Fee Required

Sunday, October 20

Time Event
7am–5pm INFORMS Self Check-in & Registration
7–8am New Member Connections Breakfast (Invite Only)
8–9:15am SA Technical Sessions
9:15–9:30am Coffee Break
9:30–10:35am Welcome Plenary
10:45am–12noon SB Technical Sessions
11am–5pm INFORMS Career Fair & Networking Day
12noon–12:45pm Lunch Break (On Your Own)
12noon–5pm Exhibit Hall Open
12:45–2pm SC Technical Sessions
2:15–3:30pm SD Technical Sessions
3:30–4pm Coffee Break with Exhibitors
4–5:15pm SE Technical Sessions
5:25–6:15pm Keynotes
6:15–8pm Welcome Reception with Exhibitors
6:30–8pm INFORMS Community Business Meetings & Receptions
7:45–9pm INFORMS Awards Ceremony and Dessert Reception

Monday, October 21

Time Event
7am–5pm INFORMS Self Check-in & Registration
8–9:15am MA Technical Sessions
8am–5pm INFORMS Career Fair Interviews
9am–5pm Exhibit Hall Open
9:15–9:45am Coffee Break with Exhibitors
9:45–10:35am Plenary Panel
10:45am–12noon MB Technical Sessions
12noon–12:45pm Lunch Break (On Your Own)
12:45–2pm MC Technical Sessions and Posters
2:15–3:30pm MD Technical Sessions
3:30–4pm Coffee Break with Exhibitors
4–5:15pm ME Technical Sessions
5:25–6:15pm Keynotes
6:30–8pm INFORMS Community Business Meetings & Receptions
7:30–8:15pm INFORMS Student Awards Ceremony and Reception

Tuesday, October 22

Time Event
7am–5pm INFORMS Self Check-in & Registration
7-7:45am INFORMS Member Meeting
8–9:15am TA Technical Sessions
8am–5pm INFORMS Career Fair Interviews
9am–5pm Exhibit Hall Open
9:15–9:45am Coffee Break with Exhibitors
9:45–10:35am Plenary
10:45am–12noon TB Technical Sessions
12noon–12:45pm Lunch Break (On Your Own)
12:45–2pm TC Technical Sessions and Posters
2:15–3:30pm TD Technical Sessions
3:30–4pm Coffee Break with Exhibitors
4–5:15pm TE Technical Sessions
5:25–6:15pm Keynotes
7–9:30pm General Reception: INFORMS After Hours! at MoPOP

Wednesday, October 23

Time Event
7–11am INFORMS Self Check-in & Registration
8–9:15am WA Technical Sessions
9:30–10:45am WB Technical Sessions
10:45–11:05am Coffee Break
11:05–11:55am Closing Plenary
12:15–1:30pm WC Technical Sessions
1:45–3:00pm WD Technical Sessions