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Awards Hall

INFORMS President’s Award

The purpose of the INFORMS President’s Award is to recognize, and thereby encourage, important contributions to the welfare of society by members of our profession at the local, national, or global level. The award is an engraved citation.

This year, the President’s Award is given to:

Awards Hall

Pinar Keskinocak

Georgia Tech

John von Neumann Theory Prize

The John von Neumann Theory Prize is awarded annually to a scholar (or scholars in the case of joint work) who has made fundamental, sustained contributions to theory in operations research and the management sciences. The prize is awarded for a body of work, typically published over a period of several years. Although recent work should not be excluded, the prize typically reflects contributions that have stood the test of time. The criteria for the prize are broad, and include significance, innovation, depth, and scientific excellence. 

Learn more about the von Neumann Prize and how to be nominated in the INFORMS website.

This year’s winner is:

Awards Hall

Jim Dai

Cornell University

INFORMS Fellows Class of 2024

Congratulations to the 2024 INFORMS Fellows! We’re so excited to have you join the ranks of other great contributors to our organization. 

View previous Fellows classes and learn more about the process to elect a Fellow on the INFORMS website.

Russell Barton

Russell Barton

Amy Cohn

Amy Cohn

Michael Gorman

Michael Gorman

Alok Gupta

Alok Gupta

Teck-Hua Ho

Teck-Hua Ho

Philip Kaminsky

Philip Kaminsky

Hani Mahmassani

Hani Mahmassani

Alexandra Newman

Alexandra Newman

Celso Ribeiro

Celso Ribeiro

M. Grazia Speranza

M. Grazia Speranza

David Woodruff

David Woodruff

Shuzhong Zhang

Shuzhong Zhang

George E. Kimball Medal

The George E. Kimball Medal is awarded for recognition of distinguished service to the Institute and to the profession of operations research and the management sciences. The award is a commemorative engraved medallion and a framed citation. 

Learn more about the Kimball Medal and how to be nominated on the INFORMS website.

This year, there are two Medal winners:

Awards Hall

Pinar Keskinocak

Georgia Tech

Awards Hall

David Shmoys

Cornell University

Volunteer Service Award

The Volunteer Service Award was first awarded in 2016. Its purpose is to recognize exceptional volunteer service to INFORMS.

Learn more about the Volunteer Service Award on the website.

This year’s winners are:


Rajesh Tyagi

Michigan State University

Paul Rubin

Michigan State University
Wake Forest University

Pelin Pekgun

Wake Forest University
AG Analytics, LLC

Arnie Greenland

AG Analytics, LLC
Princeton Consultants

Irv Lustig

Princeton Consultants
Sandia National Laboratories

Thor Osborn

Sandia National Laboratories

Shannon Browning


Nicholas Ulmer

Analytics Strategies, LLC

Zohar Strinka

Analytics Strategies, LLC
Navy/Government, GSA

Johan Bos-Beijer

Navy/Government, GSA
University of Saskatchewan (retired)

Mehran Hojati

University of Saskatchewan (retired)
Independent Scholar

Oscar Dowson

Independent Scholar

Saul Gass Expository Writing Award

The Saul Gass Expository Writing Award honors an operations researcher or management scientist whose publications demonstrate a consistently high standard of expository writing. The awardee’s written work, published over a period of at least 10 years, should indicate (in terms of breadth of readership) an influence and accessibility enhanced by expository excellence. 

Learn more about the Saul Gass Award and how to apply on the INFORMS website.

This winner of this year’s award is:

Northwestern University

Barry L Nelson

Northwestern University

Frederick W. Lanchester Prize

The Lanchester Prize is awarded for the best contribution to operations research and the management sciences published in English in the past five years. 

Learn more about the Lanchester Prize and how to be nominated on the INFORMS website.


Université Grenoble-Alpes

Anatoli Juditsky

Université Grenoble-Alpes
Georgia Tech

Arkadi Nemirovski

Georgia Tech


Stanford University

Itai Ashlagi

Stanford University
Columbia University

Yash Kanoria

Columbia University
Chicago University

Jacob Leshno

Chicago University
Princeton University

Mark Braverman

Princeton University
University of Southern California

Peng Shi

University of Southern California

Honorable Mention

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

Guillermo Gallego

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Cornell University

Huseyin Topaloglu

Cornell University

INFORMS Impact Prize

The Impact Prize, awarded once every two years, is intended to recognize widespread impact in the practice of operations research. It may be awarded to an individual or a single set of collaborators. The award may be given for the original research (if these ideas have been widely adopted), and/or for special efforts required to bring the research to a practical form (e.g., implementation as a software package or the communication of a body of research through writings, teaching, and consulting). The important criteria are breadth of use in practice and relevance to operations research. The technical assessment of the quality of the work is considered secondary to the degree to which it has been widely adopted. 

Learn more about the INFORMS Impact Prize on the INFORMS website.

This year’s winner is:

Carleton University

John W. Chinneck

Carleton University

Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in the Practice of Advanced Analytics and Operations Research

This prize emphasizes the quality and coherence of the analysis used in practice. Dr. Wagner strove for strong mathematics applied to practical problems, supported by clear and intelligible writing. This prize recognizes those principles by emphasizing good writing, strong analytical content, and verifiable practice successes. This award is administered by the Practice Section of INFORMS. 

Learn more about the Wagner Prize and how to apply on the INFORMS website.

Here are this year’s finalists:

Transportation marketplace rate forecast using signature transform

University of California, Berkeley

Haotian Gu

University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Berkeley & Inc.

Xin Guo

University of California, Berkeley & Inc. Inc.

Timothy L. Jacobs Inc. Inc.

Philip Kaminsky Inc.
University of California, Berkeley

Xinyu Li

University of California, Berkeley

Redesigning Zoning Systems for Equitable and Efficient Last-Mile Delivery at Ninja Van

Michigan State University

Stanley Lim

Michigan State University
University of Southern California

John Gunnar Carlsson

University of Southern California
University of Toronto

Sheng Liu

University of Toronto
University of Southern California

Han Yu

University of Southern California
Ninja Logistics Pte. Ltd.

Witsanu Arntong

Ninja Logistics Pte. Ltd.
Ninja Logistics Pte. Ltd.

Ee Hsin Tan

Ninja Logistics Pte. Ltd. Improves Fulfillment Efficiency with Data-driven Integrated Assortment Planning and Inventory Allocation

University of California Berkeley

Shuo Sun

University of California Berkeley
University of California Berkeley

Zuo-Jun Max Shen

University of California Berkeley

Yongzhi Qi

Hao Hu

Ningxuan Kang

Jianshen Zhang

Xin Wang

Xiaoming Lin

Optimizing Music Station Playlists on Broadcast Radio


Jose Antonio Carbajal


Juan Ma


Nannan Chen


Mario Aboytes-Ojeda


Prize for the Teaching of OR/MS Practice

The purpose of this award is to recognize a teacher who has succeeded in helping their students to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be effective practitioners of operations research or the management sciences. An “effective practitioner” has respect for, understanding of, and the skills to surmount both the practical difficulties and technical challenges of doing good OR/MS work. 

Learn more about the Prize for the Teaching of OR/MS Practice on the INFORMS website.

This year’s winners are:

Columbia University

Daniel Guetta

Columbia University

Donald P. Gaver, Jr. Early Career Award

This award was established by a generous endowment from the Donald P. Gaver family. The purpose of the award is to support creative and diverse work in operations research in the early career of the recipient. The candidate must be within 10 years of receiving a Ph.D. and be in a tenure-track academic appointment. 

Learn more about the establishment of the Gaver Award and how to be nominated on the INFORMS website.

The winner of this year’s award is:

Columbia University

Adam Elmachtoub

Columbia University

INFORMS Case Competition

The purpose of this annual competition is to encourage the creation, dissemination, and classroom use of new, unpublished cases in operations research and the management sciences. All cases are reviewed by a panel of judges familiar with the case method. 

Learn more about the Case Competition and how to apply on the INFORMS website.

This year’s finalists are:

Pricing Analytics for Porsche Drive Vehicle Subscription Program

University of North Georgia

Varun Gupta

University of North Georgia
Porsche Financial Services, Inc.

Vaughan Griffiths

Porsche Financial Services, Inc.
Saint Louis University

Jing Li

Saint Louis University
Saint Louis University

Xiao Zhang

Saint Louis University
JD candidate at the University of Virginia School of Law

Darren Manion

JD candidate at the University of Virginia School of Law

LandMover Equipment Company: Optimizing Servicizing Product Contract

Penn State University

Saurabh Bansal

Penn State University
Penn State University

Dan Guide

Penn State University

Wei Wu

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Yinshi (Agnes) Gao

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Potty Parity: Stadium Restroom Design

University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management

Vahid Roshanaei

University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management
McGill University, Desautels Faculty of Management

Setareh Farajollahzadeh

McGill University, Desautels Faculty of Management
University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management

Ming Hu

University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management

INFORMS Scholarship

INFORMS is pleased to announce scholarships for undergraduate students to attend the 2024 Annual Meeting. This scholarship program aims to foster the professional pipeline of operations research, management science, and analytics researchers by providing undergraduate students an opportunity to experience these exciting fields and gain professional development opportunities by attending the INFORMS Annual Meeting. 

Learn more about the INFORMS Scholarship and how to apply on the INFORMS website.

Here are the 2024 winners of the scholarship:

Columbia University

Elise Han

Columbia University
Rice University

Alexander Zalles

Rice University
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Aubree Xia

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Kansas State University

Riley Byrd

Kansas State University
Purdue University

Zachary Ramirez

Purdue University
Georgia Institute of Technology

Yang (Vivian) Yang

Georgia Institute of Technology
North Carolina State University

Andrea Zamudio

North Carolina State University
Harvard University

Van Tran

Harvard University

Seth Bonder Scholarship for Applied Operations Research in Health Services

The purpose of the Bonder Scholarship in Health Services is to promote the development and application of process modeling and O.R. analyses to healthcare design, delivery, and operations. The tenure of the award is one year. The scholarship provides funding from the Seth Bonder Scholarship Endowment and an additional $2,000 grant is funded by the Seth Bonder Foundation. 

Learn more about the Bonder Scholarship for Health Services and how to apply on the INFORMS website.

This year’s scholarship recipient is:

Georgia Tech

Che-Yi Liao

Georgia Tech

Seth Bonder Scholarship for Applied Operations Research in Military and Security Applications

The purpose of the Bonder Scholarship for Applied Operations Research in Military & Security Applications is to promote the development and application of process modeling and operations research analyses to military issues. The scholarship provides funding from the Seth Bonder Scholarship Endowment and an additional $2,000 grant is funded by the Seth Bonder Foundation. 

Learn more about the Bonder Scholarship for Military and Security Applications and how to apply on the INFORMS website.

This year’s scholarship recipient is:

Georgia Tech

Joseph Haden Boone

Georgia Tech

Doing Good with Good O.R. Student Paper Competition

Doing Good with Good O.R. Student Paper Competition is held each year to identify and honor outstanding projects in the field of operations research and the management sciences conducted by a student or student group that have a significant societal impact. Operations research and management science methods and tools (broadly interpreted) must be central to the success of the projects described. 

Learn more about the Doing Good with Good O.R. competition and how to apply in the future on the INFORMS website.

Here are this year’s finalists:

Optimizing the Path Towards Plastic-Free Oceans

London Business School

Baizhi Song

London Business School

Strengthening Blood Transfusion System in Kenya by Analytic Tools

University of Pittsburgh

Yiqi Tian

University of Pittsburgh

Identification of Hazard Clusters for Priority Landmine Clearance as a Quadratic Knapsack Problem

Carnegie Mellon University

Mateo Dulce Rubio

Carnegie Mellon University

Optimizing Health Supply Chains with Decision-Aware Machine Learning

University of Pennsylvania

Tsai-Hsuan (Angel) Chung

University of Pennsylvania

George Nicholson Student Paper Competition

The George Nicholson Student Paper Competition is held each year to identify and honor outstanding student papers in the field of operations research and the management sciences. 

Learn more about the Nicholson Competition and how to apply on the INFORMS website.

Here are this year’s finalists:

The Cost of Impatience in Dynamic Matching: Scaling Laws and Operating Regimes

Northwestern University

Angela Kohlenberg

Northwestern University

Branch-and-Bound Performance Estimation Programming: A Unified Methodology for Constructing Optimal Optimization Methods

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Shuvomoy Das Gupta

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Role of Level-Set Geometry on the Performance of PDHG for Conic Linear Optimization

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Zikai Xiong

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The (Surprising) Sample Optimality of Greedy Procedures for Large-Scale Ranking and Selection

Fudan University

Zaile Li

Fudan University

Differential Privacy via Distributionally Robust Optimization

Imperial College London

Aras Selvi

Imperial College London

Optimizing Inventory Placement for a Downstream Online Matching Problem

Columbia Business School

Boris Epstein

Columbia Business School

Sensitivity analysis for mixed binary quadratic programming

Georgia Institute of Technology

Jingye Xu

Georgia Institute of Technology

Causal Message Passing: A Method for Experiments with Unknown and General Network Interference

Stanford University

Mohamad Sadegh Shirani Faradonbeh

Stanford University

George B. Dantzig Dissertation Award

The George B. Dantzig Award is given for the best dissertation in any area of operations research and the management sciences that is innovative and relevant to practice. The award was established to encourage academic research that combines theory and practice and stimulates greater interaction between doctoral students (and their advisors) and the world of practice. 

Learn more about the Dantzig Award and how to apply on the INFORMS website.

Here are this year’s finalists:

Essays on Technology-enabled Social Impact

London Business School

Alp Sungu

London Business School

Analytics and Decision Making in Sustainable Operations

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Leann Thayaparan

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Scalable, Efficient, and Fair Algorithms for Structured Convex Optimization Problems

Georgia Institute of Technology

Mehrdad Ghadiri

Georgia Institute of Technology

Simulating Dynamical Systems from Data

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Abdullah Alomar

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Undergraduate Operations Research Prize

The Undergraduate Operations Research Prize Competition is held each year to honor a student or group of students who conducted a significant applied project in OR/MS, and/or original and important theoretical or applied research in OR/MS, while enrolled as an undergraduate student. 

Learn more about the Undergraduate Prize and how to apply on the INFORMS website.

This year’s finalists are:

On Partial Optimal Transport: Revising the Infeasibility of Sinkhorn and Efficient Gradient Methods

National University of Singapore

Anh Duc Nguyen

National University of Singapore

The maximum length car sequencing problem

Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Lara Pontes

Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Carlos Neves

Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Planning Adaptive Experiments: A Mathematical Programming Approach

Columbia University

Jimmy Wang

Columbia University

Online Newsvendor Problem with Blackbox Predictions

Columbia University

Rohan Kulkarni

Columbia University

A Projection-Free Method for Solving Convex Bilevel Optimization Problems

University of Sydney

Khanh-Hung Giang-Tran

University of Sydney

Practical Bayesian Algorithm Execution via Posterior Sampling

California Institute of Technology

Chu Xin (Cloris) Cheng

California Institute of Technology

Statistical Properties of Robust Satisficing

Peking University

Zhiyi Li

Peking University

Allocation of Surveillance Assets in Undersea Warfare

United States Naval Academy

Sebastian Martin

United States Naval Academy

Judith Liebman Award

The Judith Liebman Award has been established to recognize outstanding student volunteers who have been “moving spirits” in their universities, their student chapters, and INFORMS. 

Learn more about the Judith Liebman Award, previous winners, and how to make a nomination on the INFORMS website.

Please help us congratulate and celebrate this year’s winners, seen below:

Air Force Institute of Technology

Kara Combs

Air Force Institute of Technology
Ohio State University

Tu Feng

Ohio State University
Georgia Institute of Technology

Zihan Zhang

Georgia Institute of Technology

Moving Spirit Award for Chapters

The Moving Spirit Award has been established to recognize outstanding geographic chapter volunteers or student chapter faculty advisors who have been “moving spirits” in their chapters.

Learn more about the Moving Spirit Award for Chapters on the INFORMS website.

This year’s winners are:


Anita Bowers

University of Texas at Dallas

Anita Bowers

University of Texas at Dallas

Moving Spirit Award for Forums

The Moving Spirit Award has been established to recognize outstanding forum volunteers who have been “moving spirits” in their forum.

Learn more about the Moving Spirit Award for Forums on the INFORMS website.

This year’s winner is:

University of Michigan

Albert Berahas

University of Michigan

2024 Community Awards

Every year, each INFORMS Community has numerous awards to recognize the efforts of community members and volunteers.

Community awards will be available below as they are announced in Seattle.