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Poster Sessions

Attend the Poster Sessions and the Poster Competition

Poster submission deadline: June 26, 2024

Monday & Tuesday October 21-22, 2024

Researchers, practitioners, and students share their O.R. and analytics projects presented as poster displays. Poster Competition winners will be announced during the in-person conference.

Submission and Competition

INFORMS places special emphasis on high-quality poster submissions. A Poster Session Competition will be held to recognize the best posters. If you would like to enter this competition, you are required to submit a soft copy of your poster (in pdf format) by June 26, 2024. You can indicate your participation during the submission procedure. Three winners will be selected during each of the two days.

$350 (1st place)

$250 (2nd place)

$150 (3rd place)

 The winners will also receive a certificate and will be recognized in INFORMS newsletters, OR/MS Today, INFORMS Connect, and on the INFORMS website.

New This Year 

This year we are having 3 poster tracks. When submitting your poster please choose from the following tracks:

  1. Smarter Decisions for People
  2. Smarter Decisions for Planet
  3. Smarter Decisions for Profit/Prosperity
Poster Sessions

Poster Sessions
Poster Sessions

Interactive Poster Sessions Co-Chairs

Masha Shunko
University of Washington

Shengfan Zhang
University of Arkansas

Sripad Devalkar

Poster Competition Judges

Kraig Delana
IE Business School

Somya Singhvi
University of Southern California 

Vivek Choudhary
Nanyang Technical University  

Leonard Boussioux
University of Washington

Morvarid Rahmani
Georgia Institute of Technology

Omkar D.  Palsule-Desai
Indian Institute of Management, Indore

Amrita Kundu
Georgetown University 

Alp Sungu
University of Pennsylvania

Aditya Vedantam 
SUNY, Buffalo

Canberk Ucel 
Bilkent University

Amir Karimi 
University of Texas, San Antonio

Rob Curry 
University of Arkansas

Priyank Arora
University of South Carolina 

Bhavani Shanker Uppari
Singapore Management University 

Prashant Chintapalli
Western University 

Shivam Gupta
University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Paola Martin
Indiana University 

Yangfang Helen Zhou
Singapore Management University 

How the Poster Competition Works

Participation in the poster competition is voluntary. That is, an author may elect to enter the General Poster session and make a poster presentation without entering the competition. For those who wish to compete, the committee and judges will review the posters and let you know before the conference if you are accepted to the competition. If you are not accepted as part of the competition, you will automatically be a part of the General Poster session.  The recognition includes a certificate, an award check, and announcements on INFORMS newsletters, OR/MS Today, INFORMS Connect, and on the INFORMS website

Poster Sessions

Before the Annual Meeting

Step 1. Abstract Submission: Only one poster abstract submission will be permitted per presenting author. For the poster submission, the following items are needed by June 26, 2024: contact information for yourself and any co-authors, the title, a 50-word abstract, and a poster in PDF format. You must select an option when entering your information to indicate if you wish to be part of the competition.

Step 2. Poster Review for Competition and Scheduling (Pre-Conference Round): All posters are accepted for presentation in person at the conference (Monday and Tuesday). Chairs will screen the poster submissions to assign to judges and determine the presentation time (Monday or Tuesday) accordingly. The schedule will be announced before the conference.

Poster Sessions

During the Annual Meeting

Step 3. Round 1: Poster presenters should bring a hard copy of their poster and hang it in the specified area of Flex C before the scheduled poster session.

We recommend hanging your poster when exhibits open at 9am on your assigned day to give attendees extra time to review your research. Please remove your poster promptly at 2pm.

Poster Sessions

After the Annual Meeting

Further Recognition: The winners of the poster competition will be announced on the INFORMS website, in INFORMS newsletters, and in OR/MS Today.

Poster Preparation Guidelines & Instructions

Minimal Requirements

Poster: Each presenter in the Poster Competition should submit their poster in the form of a 1-page PDF file in landscape orientation and bring a hard copy to the annual meeting. The bulletin board measures 90” wide by 43” tall. We recommend a poster size of 72” wide by 36.” However, other sizes are acceptable, if they do not exceed the bulletin board dimensions of 90” wide by 43” tall.

Suggested Best Practices

For all posters, please follow these guidelines:

  • Maintain a good contrast between background and foreground text.
  • Avoid acronyms and extensive mathematical notation as much as possible.
  • Include one or more of the following: a brief description of the problem, objectives of the work, the methodology utilized, conclusions, relevant diagrams, and graphs and charts, in order to present an overview of the application.
  • Organize your poster into sections, e.g., Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and Literature Cited. (Avoid using too many citations.) You may wish to use numbers to help sequence sections of the poster.
  • Arrange the material into columns.
  • The title should be readable from 15–20 feet (approximately 4.5–6 meters) away.
  • The text should be large enough to be read easily from at least 6 feet (approximately 2 meters) away.
  • The poster should not rely upon your verbal explanation to link together the various portions.
  • Avoid densely packed, high word-count posters. Posters with 800 words or less are ideal.
  • Self-explanatory graphics should dominate the poster.
  • Below are webpages that provide more guidelines and free poster templates:

Thank you to our Poster Session Sponsors!