INFORMS Combined Colloquia 2014
Colloquia Participants - Friday Hotel Availability
There are limited hotel rooms for Friday evening, November 7, due to other meetings going on in San Francisco. We urge you to make hotel reservations quickly: click here to reserve your room and/or to put your name on a room-sharing list.
The 2014 INFORMS Combined Colloquia will be held on November 7-8, the Friday and Saturday preceding the INFORMS Annual Meeting in San Francisco. This Combined Colloquia will feature the:
Teaching Effectiveness Colloquium - TEC
Doctoral Student Colloquium - DSC
New Faculty Colloquium - NFC
All three colloquia are sponsored by INFORMS, INFORM-ED, the INFORMS Student Affairs Committee and Omega Rho, and are designed to provide the attendees with technical material, career experiences from senior and junior OR/MS professionals, and an environment for networking.
The 2014 Teaching Effectiveness Colloquium will address several aspects of incorporating and assessing effective teaching techniques in any undergraduate and graduate curriculum. The colloquium will be beneficial to both seasoned and new faculty members at all levels and in all disciplines of operations research and management science. Planned sessions include topics such as understanding what the best college teachers do, exposure to a variety of teaching strategies for engaging students in the classroom and extending learning outside the classroom, and an overview of possible pedagogical scholarship in OR/MS.
The 2014 Doctoral Student Colloquium has been reorganized and better focused this year. Many doctoral students need guidance choosing their future path. The colloquium now suits the needs of doctoral students who are deciding between a career as an academic or as a practitioner. It will include sessions dedicated to examining both career options and comparing/choosing between the two. It will also address topics like navigating the job hunt, dealing with work-life balance issues, and suggestions concerning how to start preparing and positioning oneself for the job market. It has been organized with current doctoral students 2-3 years from graduation in mind; however, nominations will be accepted of students in their final year of a doctoral program as well.
The 2014 New Faculty Colloquium – introduced for the first time at this meeting – is specially tailored to meet the needs of academics at the beginning of their career. It will give faculty in their first two years insight into how to succeed in the tenure process, including how to build and maintain a research program, advise students, balance research and teaching and service, write successful proposals, etc. Nominations of faculty in their first or second year are preferred.
Combined Colloquia Activities
The colloquia will begin at 6:00pm, Friday, with a welcome dinner for all participants. The colloquia will continue on Saturday all day with several sessions. Participants will also have opportunities to interact with each other and with the colloquia speakers during breakfast, lunch and several refreshment breaks.
Participant Nomination
Because of increased demand and limited capacity, consideration for participation in the colloquia is by departmental nomination only. A department can nominate more than one eligible individual to each colloquium, but only a limited number of applicants will be accepted. However, nominations of one person to multiple colloquia are not permitted and will not receive consideration.
Deadline for all nomination packages is August 8. Matthew Bailey ([email protected]) chairs the Combined Colloquia committee, joined by Eric Huggins, Archis Ghate, and Halit Uster.
Registration Fee
This year INFORMS is introducing a new, simplified fee structure. Colloquia attendees each pay a flat fee directly to INFORMS; if departments will be absorbing any of the costs, they should reimburse attendees directly. The colloquium costs are $200 for non-students and $80 for students.
All colloquia participants are required to register for the 2014 INFORMS Annual Meeting in San Francisco. The registration fee for the colloquia does NOT include the registration fee for the INFORMS Annual Meeting. Click here for registration for the 2014 INFORMS Annual Meeting in San Francisco.
Teaching Effectiveness Colloquium
Friday, November 7
6:00pm-8:00pm - dinner
Saturday, November 8
All academic units that regularly offer courses in operations research, management science and related fields are invited to nominate faculty members and advanced doctoral students intending to pursue a career in academia for participation in the Teaching Effectiveness Colloquium. To be eligible for consideration, an individual must be a:
- member of INFORMS or have applied for membership at the time of the nomination;
- faculty member or instructor in one of INFORMS' constituent disciplines or be within one year of completing all degree requirements for a PhD in one of INFORMS' constituent disciplines.
Faculty members who have attended a previous year’s TEC may be nominated again, but preference will be given to first-time nominees should there be a capacity constraint.
Complete nomination packages must be received by August 22. A complete nomination by the department will include:
- letter of recommendation from the department chair;
- list of OR/MS courses taught or expected to be taught by the nominee;
- list of INFORMS teaching effectiveness colloquia and workshops that the nominee has attended in the past;
- mailing address, e-mail address and phone number of the nominee.
Send Teaching Effectiveness Colloquium packages (electronic submissions as a single .pdf file) and requests for more information to:
Eric Huggins
School of Business Administration
Fort Lewis College
Durango, CO, 81301
(970) 382-6912
Email: [email protected]
Doctoral Student Colloquium
Friday, November 7
6:00pm-8:00pm - dinner
Saturday, November 8
All PhD-granting programs in operations research, management science and related fields are invited to nominate students for participation in the Doctoral Student Colloquium.
To be eligible for nomination, an individual must:
- be a member of INFORMS or have applied for membership at the time of the nomination;
- have completed basic coursework and initiated research;
- be within three years of completing all degree requirements;
- have excellent potential for contributing to theory and/or practice in the fields of operations research, management science or a related field;
- have good communication skills;
- have never attended an INFORMS Doctoral Student, Future Academician, or Future Practitioner Colloquium.
In an effort to promote diversity and a broad representation of academic institutions, preference will be given first to representing as many schools as possible, second to the quality of applicants from schools already represented. Nominees two or three years from completion will be given preference over those in their final year.
Complete nomination packages must be received by August 8th. A complete nomination by the department will include:
- student's transcript at the nominating institution;
- letter of recommendation from the department chair or supervisor;
- one-page statement of purpose from the nominee including description of research and career interests and dissertation topic;
- mailing address, e-mail address and phone number of the nominee.
Send Doctoral Student nomination packages (electronic submissions as a single .pdf file) and requests for more information to:
Archis Ghate
University of Washington
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Box 352650
Seattle, WA 98195
(206) 616-5968
Email: [email protected]
New Faculty Colloquium
Friday, November 7
6:00pm-8:00pm - dinner
Saturday, November 8
All academic units granting degrees and undertaking research in operations research, management science and related fields are invited to nominate faculty members who are in their first three years of being a faculty member at the time of colloquium.
Nomination package should include
- a letter from the department chair of the nominee,
- a copy of the nominee's curriculum vitae, and
- a statement by the nominee outlining expectations from the colloquium including a set of questions that they would like to be addressed in this order in a single PDF file. Please name the file using the format “Lastname-Initial-University-Department-Year as a faculty member.pdf” (for example, Doe-J-TAMU-ISEN-1.pdf)
Eight panels are planned for the colloquium and they include
1. Sponsored Research – Grants
2. Building a Research Program and Publishing
3. Collaborative Research and Working with PhD Students
4. Effective Teaching
5. Professional Service
6. Tenure Process
7. Time Management and Work-Life Balance
8. Soft Skills for the Transition (Departmental/School Culture, Diversity, Mentorship, Difficult Situations)
Send New Faculty nomination packages (electronic submissions as a single .pdf file) and requests for more information to:
Halit Uster
Southern Methodist University
Lyle School of Engineering
Dept. Engineering Management, Information, and Systems
Caruth Hall 309
Dallas, TX 75275-0123
E-mail: [email protected]