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Evan Wimpey

Evan Wimpey

Director of Analytics Strategy at Elder Research
Track: Analytics Leadership

Beyond Algorithms: Building a Brand That Elevates Your Analytics Team

Why are so many functional areas reluctant to partner in developing an analytics capability? No matter how capable your analytics team is, they aren’t delivering value if the business doesn’t perceive and understand that value. In this presentation, Evan will discuss the pivotal and often overlooked role of branding in the analytics domain – with a unique blend of humor and expertise.

The reality is that regardless of the sophistication of your analytics tools, you need effective collaboration with business partners. And your brand, far from just a marketing slogan, is at the heart of how you connect with other stakeholders. In this talk, Evan will discuss:

  • The power of branding, focusing on how it represents a promise of value to stakeholders, business partners, and future talent.
  • Establishing your analytics brand, practical strategies for crafting a compelling brand for your analytics team – one that communicates capability, reliability, and innovation.
  • Skepticism as the critical piece of a brand, to ensure your brand is rooted in realistic promises and achievable outcomes without overhyping analytics as “the solution to everything”

This talk promises to be an engaging blend of real-world examples, practical tips, and a healthy dose of humor.