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The Analytics Ecosystem

Analytics projects have many moving pieces beyond the models themselves. In this track, we discuss infrastructure, data delivery, data governance, and the rest of the analytics tools and technology stack which support data projects. By using the right kinds of tools and technologies, we can help analytics projects be more reliable and successful. During this track, industry leaders will explain how engineering, architecture, and data delivery through visualization or other applications complement the models that drive decisions. This track provides a robust survey of the analytics ecosystem.

Analytics Leadership

Analytics leaders present best practices for guiding organizations of varying sizes in a constantly evolving analytics ecosystem. The Analytics Leadership track was formed to bring together leaders of analytics efforts and analytics organizations to discuss: How to build a world class analytics team for your company/organization. How to define, solve, deliver, and communicate an analytics solution. What an analytics leader must do to succeed within an organization and to help the organization/company succeed.

Analytics Process

Treating analytics as a process leads to better outcomes and is reflected in the 7 Domains of the Certified Analytics Professional (CAP) Job Task Analysis. The blend of hard technical skills and soft interpersonal skills is often critical to achieve sustainable impact for the organization.

Business Administration

In the age of digital technology, internal operations within organizations have come a long way. From transitioning from paper to computer systems to using those system for more detailed analysis to furthering the analysis with machine learning and artificial intelligence; the Human Resources, Marketing, Accounting, and Finance functions have come a long way. Industry leaders will talk about the new age in which organizations are making data-driven decisions using analytical modeling and decisions science approaches to further internal operations.

Decision Analytics

Decisions are at the foundation of every business application and traditional decision analysis provides a formalized approach to making optimal choices under conditions of uncertainty. To ensure that decisions are made with all the relevant information and options available, decision analytics is the next phase of artificial intelligence – using advanced tools and machines to find patterns in historical data to predict what will likely happen again and enabling optimal decisions, in real-world, dynamic environments under different sources of uncertainty. This track is intended to bring together practitioners, researchers, and leaders who are working to further decision analytics, sharing new tools, techniques, and technologies.

Edelman Competition

Finalists will compete for the top prize in this “Super Bowl” of O.R. practice, showcasing analytics projects that had major impacts on their client organizations.

The Franz Edelman Award Competition attests to the contributions of operations research and analytics in both the profit and nonprofit sectors. Since its inception, cumulative benefits from Edelman finalist projects has topped the $400 billion mark. Edelman finalist teams have improved organizational efficiency, increased profits, brought better products to consumers, helped foster peace negotiations, and saved lives. The purpose of the Franz Edelman Competition is to bring forward, recognize, and reward outstanding examples of operations research, management science, and advanced analytics in practice in the world.

Game Theory & Strategy

Game theory is used to help produce the ideal decision given a set of constraints and the potential actions of other participants in the “game.” Some games have two parties with similar goals that are close to zero sum (such as sports) where some can involve more parties with the idea of multiple parties coming out ahead (business deals and international trade). This track has applications ranging from determining whether to enter a new market, creating an advertising strategy, or deciding whether to “Go for 2” in the fourth quarter of a football game. This track will go through different scenarios in which analytics enhances game theory and strategic decision-making.

Implementing Analytics

Practical applications of new concepts and technologies being implemented within a range of business use cases.

INFORMS Prizes & Special Sessions

INFORMS grants several prestigious Institute-wide prizes and awards for meritorious achievement each year. This track will feature presentations for the Wagner Prize, INFORMS Prize, and UPS George D. Smith Prize winner. Innovative Applications in Analytics Award (IAAA) finalists will also present. Special sessions may include presentations hosted by our Certified Analytics Professional (CAP®) Program and Women in OR/MS.


Practical applications of analytics within complex logistics use cases to improve effectiveness and efficiency.

Machine Learning & AI

The Machine Learning & AI track explores the transformative power of ML and AI in various industries. In an era where data-driven decision-making reigns supreme, machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies have become pivotal. Industries are leveraging these innovations to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and insight across a spectrum of applications.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive methods continue to yield practical business benefit, in use cases involving improved predictions of system or customer behavior, or combined with optimization methods to prescribe high-impact actions. Talks in this track showcase the decisions framed, analytics applied and results obtained.

Soft Skills

An often overlooked aspect of successful implementation, critical soft skills can make or break a project’s ability to create real organizational impact.

Supply Chain

Supply chain leaders discuss a rapidly transforming ecosystem shaped by a proliferation of data applications for management, logistics, and resiliency. The AI revolution is pushing rapid application of affiliated emerging concepts and technologies across supply chain and logistics. Decision support tools and machine learning technologies are disrupting business and driving new policies, products, services, and channels to increase revenue. During this track, industry leaders will share how they are delivering practical AI solutions to maximize efficiency and minimize business disruption.

Supply Chain Analytics

Practical applications of new concepts and technologies being implemented within supply chain analytics programs to maximize efficiencies while minimizing business disruptions.

Technology Showcases

Technology Showcases from participating exhibitors are 50-minute, theater-style sessions that provide educational information and case studies on relevant analytics concepts using their products and services.