Francesca Koron
Francesca Koron
Business Analytics Manager at Durst Image Technology
Track: Logistics
Integrating Technician Scheduling: A Microsoft VBA Approach
Durst Image Technology has several hundred large scale digital printers installed throughout the United States and Canada. Durst employs roughly fifty service technicians across the country who provide installation and break-fix support services. The scheduling process sending technicians to printers requiring service was manually intensive and time consuming. It was also difficult to take all of the scheduling factors into account and to determine the optimal technician to service ticket schedule.
The Durst Analytics Team designed and developed the Dispatch Scheduling Tool to assist in establishing the daily technician schedule. The tool creates scenarios matching technicians to requested service locations based on technician availability, technician skill levels, skill level requests, and travel distance.
The presentation introduces the creation of the logic used to implement this tool in Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL-Server. The presentation will also explore output functions into visualization tools such as Tableau.