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Norm Reitter

Norm Reitter

CEO at Sawatch Outliers
Track: Analytics Leadership

Leveraging Your Organization’s Analytics Capabilities to Support Strategic Growth and Operations Effectiveness in an Age of Artificial Intelligence and Analytics

Have you ever found yourself grappling with ambitious goals, struggling to translate them into reality? Does your organization possess the potential for exponential growth, but you face challenges in optimizing your investments in analytics talent, data systems, and software? Are you wrestling with unlocking the full potential of the analytics and AI revolution? These common challenges resonate across today’s organizations. The key to overcoming them lies in deciphering how to convert strategic goals into operational outcomes by harnessing AI and maximizing analytics capabilities—an essential game changer propelling organizations to elevated performance levels and enhanced effectiveness in delivering to customers and constituents.

In this presentation, Norm Reitter, a leader specializing in developing organizations to enhance their analytics capabilities, will share frameworks and an approach that empower you as a change agent. His insights will equip you to support organizational growth and become a pivotal force, leveraging both your and your organization’s analytics capabilities as valuable assets to drive transformative change in your career and organization.