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(subject to change)

Monday, June 17  
9am-4:30pm Registration
10-11am Plenary Session
Tamás Terlaky, Lehigh University, USA
11-11:30am Coffee Break
11:30am-1pm Technical Sessions (MB)
1-2:30pm Conference Lunch
2:30-3:30pm Keynote Sessions
Robert Ashford, Optimization Direct, U.K. 
Zelda Zabinsky, University of Washington, USA
Tarkan Tan, University of Zürich, Switzerland
3:30-4pm Coffee Break
4-5:30pm Technical Sessions (MC)
5:30-7pm Welcome Reception
Tuesday, June 18  
8am-5pm Registration
9-10:30am Technical Sessions (TA)
10:30-11am Coffee Break
11am-12noon Plenary Session
Augustine Esogbue, Georgia Inst. of Technology, USA
12noon-1:30pm Conference Lunch
1:30-3pm Technical Sessions (TB)
3-3:30pm Coffee Break
3:30-4:30pm Keynote Sessions
Yuehwern Yih, Purdue University, USA
Jan Fransoo, Tilburg University, Netherlands
Benoit Montreuil, Georgia Inst. of Technology, USA
Saif Benjaafar, University of Michigan, USA
4:45-6:15pm Technical Sessions (TC)
7-9pm Program Chair’s Reception
Wednesday, June 19  
8am-12noon Registration
9-10am Plenary Session
Andrés Medaglia, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
10-10:15am Coffee Break
10:15-11:45am Technical Sessions (WA)


Keynote Sessions
Dionne Aleman, University of Toronto, Canada

1-2pm Conference Lunch

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