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Tutorial Speakers

Monday, June 17

Claudia Rave

Claudia Rave

Gerente Fluir, Laboratorio de Decisión, Medellín, Colombia

Bridging Sectoral Modeling and Institutions Reengineering: Empowering OR Practitioners to Collaborate with the Public Power Design

Public institutions, servicing to both productive and social services (such as transportation, infrastructure, utilities, land issues, among others), often adhere to decision-making frameworks based on administrative regions or conventional functional areas (like human resources, operations, management). However, these frameworks may not always reflect the underlying dynamics pertinent to the organization’s goals.

Advancing and implementing Operations Research (OR) modeling solutions for development necessitates aligning the organization’s decision-making processes with its array of services and capabilities. OR practitioners are increasingly required to delve into the intricacies of political and policy dialogues to effectively assess either or both processes modeling and institutional reengineering.

During the tutorial, we will delve into 2 case studies involving land management and transportation institutions, exploring their journey towards enhanced performance and service modernization.

Ruslan Shaydulin

Ruslan Shaydulin

JPMorgan Chase, USA
Tamás Terlaky

Tamás Terlaky

Lehigh University, USA

Quantum Computing Optimization: From Foundations to Combinatorial and Conic Optimization

The tutorial begins with a gentle introduction to the foundations of quantum computing, including a brief review of the state of the current state of existing quantum computers and development trends.

Then we review how combinatorial optimization problems are solved in the quantum computing paradigm using a commonly considered near-term quantum optimization heuristic called the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA). We discuss both the theoretical aspects of QAOA as well as its implementation on hardware.

The last part of the tutorial presets variants of Inexact-Feasible-Quantum-Interior-Poit-Methods enhanced with Iterative Refinement for solving Linear Optimization Problems. Extensions to Semidefinite ans Second-order Conic Optimization will be fleshed.

Tuesday, June 18

Emilio Carrizosa

Emilio Carrizosa

Universidad de Sevilla

Mathematical Optimization Models for Group Counterfactual Explanations

Counterfactual Analysis has shown to be a powerful tool for Explainable Artificial Intelligence. In Supervised Classification, this means associating with each record a so-called counterfactual explanation, i.e., an instance close to the record (closeness measured by an appropriate and context-dependent dissimilarity) and whose probability of being classified by a given classifier in the positive class is high.

While the literature focuses on the problem of finding one counterfactual for one record, in this talk a stakeholder perspective is taken, and we address the more general setting in which a group of counterfactual explanations is sought for a group of instances. Mathematical optimization models are introduced to illustrate different instance-counterfactual allocation rules. A number of research challenges for the Operations Research community are identified.

Kannan Ramanathan

Kannan Ramanathan

University of Texas at Dallas, USA

How to use Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in Excel – For Beginners

This is not a lecture – it is a workshop.

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) can be used with several Microsoft applications. It is recommended that you participate in this workshop with your laptop as we will do some hands-on exercises. There have been some discussion that AI tools will make VBA obsolete. However, VBA is going to be around for some more time. We will discuss how we can leverage the power of AI to make it easier to work with VBA.

This workshop

  • Is meant for beginners and will cover basics in VBA
  • Will focus primarily on how to use VBA in MS Excel
  • Will touch on its usage in MS Word and MS Powerpoint
Ko-Yang Wang

Ko-Yang Wang

National Sun-Yat-Sen University, Taiwan

Tutorial on Generative AI and Its Responsible Applications in the Financial Industry

This lecture will explore the research and applications of generative AI in the financial industry. Topics include the latest trends, R&D opportunities, case studies, and impacts on the banking and financial industries. The complexity and challenges of responsible uses of AI and practical financial digital transformation issues will be discussed.

Wednesday, June 19

Yasmín A. Ríos-Solís

Yasmín Ríos-Solís

Tecnológico de Monterrey – Monterrey campus, Mexico

Public Transportation in Developing Countries

Have you tried to implement a known transportation algorithm from developed countries in a developing one? Most researchers and practitioners know topicalization is complex, and many features and utilities will be underused. What are the characteristics that make the developing countries’ transport systems different? This tutorial will overview these characteristics and how to include them in the models and algorithms.

Juan Camilo Serpa

Juan Camilo Serpa

McGill University, Canada

The Data Mangrove: Developing a world-leading Sustainability Data Hub

The Data Mangrove ( is a new hub uniting sustainability researchers, allowing them to share data (through an open-data platform), promote research papers, and to implement data-driven technologies for research partnerships. This virtual hub will facilitate connections across the sustainability research community, facilitating data-driven collaboration. This tutorial introduces the hub’s features and invites researchers to join this academic hub before its late-summer launch.

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