20th International Conference on Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing (MASM)
Orlando, FL
December 15-18, 2024
Part of Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) 2024
The International Conference on Modelling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing (MASM) is an annual forum for the exchange of ideas and industrial innovations between researchers and practitioners from around the world involved in modelling and analysis of complex high-tech manufacturing systems.
The MASM Conference is fully contained within the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), the world-leading conference for Discrete Event Simulation, but covers a much wider range of techniques and approaches that also include optimization, scheduling, queueing theory, process control, data analysis and machine learning. It features a comprehensive program ranging from state-of-the-art research to recent case studies demonstrating the relevance of these techniques for Smart Manufacturing.
The MASM 2024 conference will take place at the Orlando World Marriott Center in Orlando, Florida USA. The hotel features outstanding comfort and style, just minutes from the hottest attractions, entertainment, and dining options. Orlando is home to more than a dozen theme parks and the WSC keynote presentation will be given by Walt Disney World personnel.
For 2024 we are asking not just for Full Research Papers but also for relevant Industrial Case Studies illustrating the benefits that have been achieved with novel methodologies and solutions. These Industrial Case Study presentations will be fully integrated into the respective MASM application track but will only require a 3-page “Extended Abstract” and have shorter submission lead times to facilitate participation from the industry. Unlike Full Research Papers, Extended Abstracts will appear only in the INFORMS Simulation Society archives but not in the ACM and IEEE digital proceedings.
We are looking for high-quality academic and applied research and relevant industrial case studies at all levels of Semiconductor Manufacturing.
At the equipment and process level, we cover various aspects of Equipment Maintenance and Productivity, Quality and Advanced Process Control (Statistical Process Control, Fault Detection and Classification, Run To Run, Virtual Metrology, etc.), but also how to handle and exploit the huge amount of data generated in wafer fabs (Big Data). As such we also invite submissions from leading Semiconductor Equipment Manufacturers.
At the shop-floor level, optimized WIP management, dispatching, scheduling and sampling of lots or qualification management of products on machines remain critical, in particular when handling complex constraints.
At the factory level, it is important to develop efficient transportation and storage policies, production and capacity planning approaches, in order to reduce cycle times and time-to-market.
At the strategic level, demand planning, factory economics and cost modelling, new product introduction, and supply chain efficiency are important topics to support the business.
We invite participants to present on all topics related to modelling and analysis that will help address these challenges. We also welcome contributions that integrate decisions or information at different decision levels which is becoming a must. These various goals will be attained through new advanced control and statistical methods, novel computing techniques, methods from artificial intelligence, and operations research methods.
While the MASM Conference is mostly focused on the current semiconductor industry state-of-the-art, neither presenters nor attendees need to be in the IC industry to participate. We are interested in methodologies, research and/or applications from other related industries such as TFT-LCD, flexible displays, bio-chip, solid state lighting (LED), and photovoltaic (PV) that might also share or want to share common and new practices. Interested individuals within academia, government agencies, equipment suppliers, manufacturers, students, contractors, and other interested parties are encouraged to participate.
All attendees of the MASM Conference will register for Winter Simulation Conference at the same cost. In turn, all participants of WSC can attend the respective MASM sessions.
Each accepted paper and case study presentation must have a separate, paid registration. Only under highly unusual circumstances, and at the discretion of the conference leadership, will an author be allowed to present more than one paper on a single registration. Authors wishing to do so must contact the Program Chair by September 1, clearly describing which papers the authors wish to present under the single registration, and why an exception to the conference policy is warranted. Unless permission is granted, an author planning to present two papers will be required to pay for two registrations.
Authors of high-quality submissions of Full Research Papers will also have the opportunity to submit considerably extended versions of their MASM contributions to IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Important Dates
Full Research Papers:
Immediately: Submission open
April 12, 2024: Submissions due for Contributed Papers using the 2024 Authors Kit available here
May 3, 2024 : Submissions due for Invited Papers using the 2024 Authors Kit available here
June 3, 2024: Notification of acceptance
June 28, 2024: Authors electronically submit fully corrected (camera-ready) papers for review by the Proceedings Editors
Extended Abstracts for Industrial Case Studies:
May 6, 2024: Submission open for extended abstracts
August 2, 2024: Electronically submit 2-page extended abstracts using the 2024 Authors Kit available here
September 2, 2024: Notification of acceptance to authors (including details about submitting slides, and formats of the posters
September 13, 2024: Final camera-ready extended abstracts due
Please follow the 2024 WSC Author Kit to prepare your MASM 2024 Paper or Extended Abstract.
Conference Organizers
- John W. Fowler, Arizona State University, USA
- Hyun-Jung Kim, KAIST, South Korea
- Lars Mönch, University of Hagen, Germany
International Program Committee
- Jakey Blue, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
- Chen-Fu Chien, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan
- Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès, Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, France
- Hans Ehm, Infineon Technologies, Germany
- Ken Fordyce, Arkieva, USA
- Feng Ju, Arizona State University, USA
- Michael Hassoun, Ariel University, Israel
- Cathal Heavey, University of Limerick, Ireland
- Jesus Jimenez, Texas State University, USA
- Myoungsoo (Andy) Ham, Liberty University, USA
- Chiang Hsu, TSMC, Taiwan
- Young Jae Jang, KAIST, South Korea
- Baris Kacar, SAS, USA
- Adar Kalir, Intel, Israel
- DJ Kim, Micron Technology, USA
- Andreas Klemmt, Infineon Technologies, Germany
- Douniel Lamghari-Idrissi, ASML, Netherlands
- Tae-Eog Lee, KAIST, South Korea
- Peter Lendermann, D-SIMLAB Technologies, Singapore
- Andrea Matta, POLITECNICO DI MILANO, Italy
- John Milne, Clarkson University, USA
- James Morrison, Central Michigan University, USA
- Tina O’Donnell, Seagate Technology, Derry, United Kingdom
- Detlef Pabst, Global Foundries, USA
- Thomas Ponsignon, Infineon Technologies, Germany
- Oliver Rose, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany
- Ralf Sprenger, Infineon Technologies, Germany
- Marcel Stehli, Global Foundries, Germany
- Gian Antonio Susto, University of Padova, Italy
- Reha Uzsoy, North Carolina State University, USA
- Philippe Vialletelle, ST Microelectronics, France
- Cheng-Hung Wu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
- Jei-Zheng Wu, Soochow University Taipei, Taiwan
- Claude Yugma, Ecole de Mines de Saint-Etienne, France
MASM Keynote
Review of Past Research and Reflections on Digital Thread/Twin Affordability in (Semiconductor) Supply Chain and Manufacturing
This presentation will review past research projects on improving operations of manufacturing and supply chain systems with the goal of highlighting future research challenges. Several of these projects were in semiconductor manufacturing and supply chains. These past research projects were funded nationally, by the EU and industry. It will document several research challenges on topics of Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), optimization using online machine learning metamodels, simulation analysis of Advanced Planning System Analysis (APS), and supplier selection. Finally, the presentation will reflect on the role of Digital Thread/Twin and the feasibility of this approach with the current availability of methodologies, computing, and human resources.
Cathal Heavey is a Professor in Supply Chain Management at the University of Limerick. He has been involved in research projects funded from national (e.g., Enterprise Ireland) & European (e.g., European Union – Framework Programs 6 and 7 and Horizon 2020) sources as well as a several projects directly funded by industry. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Simulation, a publication of the OR Society, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, Simulation: Transaction of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International and a past Department Editor of the IISE Transactions Journal a publication of The Institute of Industrial Engineers of America. He is a Program Member of the International Conference on Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing (MASM) and a past and present program member of several other conferences.

Professor, Supply Chain Management
School of Engineering
University of Limerick