Sunday, December 15, 2024
There is no fee to participate in this workshop. SimOpt is hosted and sponsored by North Carolina State University, Cornell University and Texas A&M University.
Participation is limited. Preference will be given to those who have Simulation Optimization as their main research track.
Sign-up when you register for the meeting. All participants are required to register for Winter Simulation Conference 2024.
The SimOpt workshop is intended to introduce simulation optimization researchers and practitioners to SimOpt – an open-source library of simulation models and optimization algorithms – and provide guidance on how to interact with the library. Participants will learn how to run multiple solvers on multiple problems and generate a range of diagnostic plots, such as the one below, that shed light on the relative performance of solvers, all with minimal effort. They will also learn how to build their own problems and solvers and use them within the platform to run simulation optimization experiments. The workshop will also include new capabilities, such as data farming within SimOpt.
The workshop will be offered in-person only.

Questions on the workshop can be directed to Sara Shashaani.