
Register Now


Early * Regular
Member** $700 $750
Non-member $850 $900
Retired $350 $400
Student $425 $475

*Early Bird Registration Rate ends: November 18, 11:59pm EST.

Speaker Registration deadline: October 8, 2024

**Members of ACM/SIGSIM, ASA, ASIM (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Simulation), IEEE/SMC, IISE, INFORMS, INFORMS Simulation Society, NIST, SCS, and OR Society.

When registering DO NOT use “Continue as a Guest”. Please be sure to log in (upper right-hand corner) or click “Not a member?” to create an account. Once you are logged in you will see the registration categories that apply. If you have any issues contact Customer Service.

Note: You will need to enter the control number for your paper entered in Linklings when you register for the conference. The control number is part of the ID assigned to your paper/submission. For example, if the ID is con456 the control number is con456s3. If you have more than one paper or poster please list them with commas. Example: con456, con789. Each accepted paper must have a separate, paid registration.

In very rare cases, authors may petition to pay a reduced fee for additional papers.  Authors wishing to do so must contact the Program Chair by September 1, clearly describing which papers the authors wish to present under the single registration, and why an exception to the conference policy is warranted.

Board approval is required if any single registration is attached to more than one paper.

Speaker Registration deadline: October 8, 2024

A $50 cancellation fee will be charged for those cancelling their registration after November 18. All cancellations must be received in writing via email to Customer Service

Registration fee includes:

  • Access to Opening Session, Titans of Simulation speakers and technical sessions
  • Admission to the MASM Conference
  • Networking with other simulation professionals
  • Exhibit Hall
  • Vendor Workshops
  • User Group Meetings
  • Welcome Reception

Important Registration Information:

  • For invitation letters to obtain a visa, please contact the Registration Chair: Majsa Ammouriova.
  • All papers and posters must have a paid registration by the presenting author by October 8. Any paper or poster without a paid registration will be pulled from the program.
  • Each accepted paper must have a separate, paid registration. Authors who wish to present more than one paper on a single registration must contact the Program Chair by September 1 to request permission for this. Clearly state which papers will be presented on the registration. These will be unusual circumstances and approved at the discretion of the conference leadership.
  • Any presenter of a paper/poster must be an author of the said paper/poster. Non-author presenters are not allowed.
  • Failure to appear to give a paper will result in removal of the paper from the abstracted Proceedings except in extreme circumstances such as illness or a death in immediate family. Such situations must be notified to the Program Chair as soon as possible.

Please note that the registration process performs best in the Chrome and Firefox browsers.

Register Now

Hotel Reservations

WSC has secured a limited number of reduced-rate rooms at the Orland World Center Marriott.

A special WSC  rate of USD $224 is applicable for room bookings for the conference. The cut-off for this rate is Monday, November 18. Go to the Venue page for more information and to access the booking link.

Please contact INFORMS Customer Service for registration assistance including payment with a bank transfer.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1 (443) 757-3500
Toll free: (800) 446-3676 (US only)