Saturday, October 15
The 2022 INFORMS Combined Colloquia will be held on October 15, the Saturday preceding the 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting. This Combined Colloquia will feature:
- Teaching Effectiveness Colloquium – TEC
- Doctoral Student Colloquium – DSC
- New Faculty Colloquium – NFC
All three colloquia are designed to provide the attendees with technical material, career experiences from senior and junior OR/MS professionals, and an environment for networking.
Registration Deadline is September 15
Registration Fee
The fees to attend the colloquium are $235 for non-students and $125 for students.
All colloquia participants are required to register for the 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, IN. The registration fee for the colloquia does NOT include the registration fee for the INFORMS Annual Meeting. Each colloquium has an online application that needs to be completed. The application forms will be opened in the summer.
You will be asked to submit an online application for each prospective participant. The online application form provides all the instruction needed to complete the application. If you have specific questions about the colloquium or the application process, please refer them to the applicable colloquia co-chairs.
Intended Colloquia Participants: Choosing the Right Colloquia for you!
The 2022 Teaching Effectiveness Colloquium is designed to address the needs of graduate students about to enter the academic job market as well as faculty looking to stay abreast of the “best practices” regarding OR/MS/analytics pedagogy. The colloquium features a wide variety of speakers from business and engineering schools who will address different aspects of incorporating and assessing effective teaching techniques in any undergraduate or graduate curriculum. Sessions are organized around topics such as teaching fundamental topics like optimization, successful methods for implementing active and experiential learning methods, leveraging the use of the flipped classroom, the use of cases in the classroom, DEC pedagogy, and using OR/MS tools to generate managerial insight.
The 2022 Doctoral Student Colloquium is intended for doctoral students who need guidance choosing their future path. The colloquium suits the needs of doctoral students who are deciding between a career as an academic or a practitioner. It will include sessions dedicated to examining both career options and comparing/choosing between the two. It also addresses topics like navigating the job hunt, dealing with work-life balance issues, and suggestions concerning job market preparation and positioning. It has been organized with current doctoral students 2-3 years from graduation in mind; however, nominations will be accepted from students in their final year of a doctoral program as well.
The 2022 New Faculty Colloquium is expressly tailored to meet the needs of academics at the beginning of their career. It gives faculty in their first three years insight into successfully navigating the tenure process, including how to build and maintain a research program, advise students, balance research, teaching and service, write successful proposals, and more. Nominations of faculty in their first or second year are preferred.
Combined Colloquia Activities
Participants will have opportunities to interact with each other and with the colloquia participants and speakers during meals, breaks and of course, the Networking Reception after the event.
Participant Nomination
An important change for 2022: Each prospective participant will submit their own applications. Before this year a department administrator would nominate students and faculty on their behalf, sometimes causing communication delays and confusion. Each applicant will be solely responsible for fulfilling the application requirements and submitting by the application deadline, which is TBD. In addition, a person cannot be considered for multiple colloquia in the same year.
All colloquia related questions should be addressed to:
Combined Colloquia Committee Chair
Halit Uster
Southern Methodist University
Lyle School of Engineering
Email: [email protected]
2022 Teaching Effectiveness Colloquium (TEC)
To be eligible for consideration, an individual must be a:
- member of INFORMS or have applied for membership at the time of the nomination;
- faculty member or instructor in one of INFORMS’ constituent disciplines or be within one year of completing all degree requirements for a PhD in one of INFORMS’ constituent disciplines.
Faculty members who have attended a previous year’s TEC may be nominated again, but preference will be given to first-time nominees should there be a capacity constraint. A complete nomination will include:
- list of OR/MS courses taught or expected to be taught by the nominee;
- list of INFORMS TEC and workshops that the nominee has attended in the past;
- mailing address, email address, and phone number of the nominee.
Teaching Effectiveness Colloquium Co-chairs
Sadan Kulturel-Konak
Flemming Creativity, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (CEED) Center
Penn State Berks
Email: [email protected]
Justin Goodson
Richard A. Chaifetz School of Business
Saint Louis University
Email: [email protected]
All TEC questions should be directed to Drs. Kulturel-Konak and Goodson.
2022 Doctoral Student Colloquium (DSC)
To be eligible for nomination, an individual must:
- be a member of INFORMS or have applied for membership at the time of the nomination;
- have completed basic coursework and initiated research;
- be within three years of completing all degree requirements;
- have excellent potential for contributing to theory and/or practice in the fields of operations research, management science, or a related field;
- have good communication skills;
- have never attended an INFORMS Doctoral Student, Future Academician, or Future Practitioner Colloquium.
- Will attend the 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting
Every nominated student who meets the eligibility criteria will participate in the Colloquium. Each nominee is responsible to ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria.
A complete nomination will include:
- one-page statement of purpose from the nominee including career goals and purpose for attending the DSC;
- name and email address of the nominee along with acknowledgment that the nominee meets the DSC eligibility requirements.
Funding Opportunities for Doctoral Student Colloquium
- Women in OR/MS (WORMS) will sponsor one student member to attend the 2022 Doctoral Student Colloquium. The award includes registration to the INFORMS Annual Meeting, registration to the Doctoral Student Colloquium, and a year membership to WORMS. To be considered, please include the following additional items in the nomination package and indicate whether the student is interested in applying for the Women in OR/MS (WORMS) Doctoral Student Colloquium Award (open to both male and female students): A brief paragraph from the nominee describing their interest in supporting women in OR/MS (50-150 words). A letter of recommendation from the department chair or supervisor.
- Minority Issues Forum (MIF) will sponsor one student member to attend the 2022 Doctoral Student Colloquium at the INFORMS Annual Meeting. The award includes registration to the INFORMS Annual Meeting, registration to the Doctoral Student Colloquium, and a year membership to MIF. To be considered, please include the following additional items in the nomination package and indicate whether the student is interested in the MIF award: A brief paragraph from the nominee describing their interest and past efforts in supporting minorities in OR/MS (50-150 words). A letter of recommendation from the department chair or supervisor. All applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and a minority.
- The Seth Bonder Foundation will sponsor five students to attend the 2022 Doctoral Student Colloquium at the INFORMS Annual Meeting. The award includes registration to the INFORMS Annual Meeting and registration to the Doctoral Student Colloquium. Priority will be given to students from programs that traditionally may not have nominated participants for the INFORMS Doctoral Student Colloquium. Students from smaller programs or HBCUs are encouraged to apply.
Doctoral Student Colloquium Co-chairs
Dayana Cope
Delta Airlines
Email: [email protected]
Dan Zhang
Leeds School of Business
University of Colorado Boulder
Email: [email protected]
All DSC questions should be directed to Dr. Zhang and Ms. Cope.
2022 New Faculty Colloquium (NFC)
All academic units granting degrees and undertaking research in operations research, management science, and related fields are invited to nominate faculty members who are in their first three years of being a faculty member at the time of colloquium. The colloquium will also include tips on what not to do, difference between business and engineering schools, opportunities to interact with panelists, and more.
Nomination package should include, in this order:
- a letter from the department chair of the nominee,
- a copy of the nominee’s curriculum vitae,
- a statement by the nominee outlining expectations from the colloquium including a set of up to 10 questions that they would like to be addressed in a single PDF file.
New Faculty Colloquium Co-chairs
Ruiwei Jiang
Industrial & Operations Engineering
University of Michigan
Email: [email protected]
Canan Ulu
McDonough School of Business
Georgetown University,
Email: [email protected]
All NFC questions should be directed to Drs. Jiang and Ulu.
Thank you to our sponsors for their generous support!