Welcome to the Awards Hall! Please check back each day to view the prizes and competitions occurring on that day.
INFORMS President’s Award
The purpose of the INFORMS President’s Award is to recognize, and thereby encourage, important contributions to the welfare of society by members of our profession at the local, national, or global level. The award is an engraved citation.
This year, the President’s Award is given to:

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Sheldon H. Jacobson is a Founder Professor of Computer Science, director of the Simulation and Optimization Laboratory, and founding director of the Bed Time Research Institute at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
George E. Kimball Medal
The George E. Kimball Medal is awarded for recognition of distinguished service to the Institute and to the profession of operations research and the management sciences. The award is a commemorative engraved medallion and a framed citation.
Learn more about the Kimball Medal and how to be nominated on the INFORMS website.
This year, there are two Medal winners:
General Motors
Jonathan H. Owen, PhD, CAP, is chief scientist for OR/MS and Analytics, General Motors, and director of GM’s Advanced Analytics Center of Expertise (AACE).
MIT sloan school of management
Stephen Graves is the Abraham J. Siegel Professor of Management and Professor Post Tenure in the Operations Management group at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He has a joint appointment with the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering.
John von Neumann Theory Prize
The John von Neumann Theory Prize is awarded annually to a scholar (or scholars in the case of joint work) who has made fundamental, sustained contributions to theory in operations research and the management sciences. The prize is awarded for a body of work, typically published over a period of several years. Although recent work should not be excluded, the prize typically reflects contributions that have stood the test of time. The criteria for the prize are broad, and include significance, innovation, depth, and scientific excellence.
Learn more about the von Neumann Prize and how to be nominated in the INFORMS website.
This year’s winner is:
Columbia University
Christos Charilaos Papadimitriou is a Greek theoretical computer scientist and the Donovan Family Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University.
Columbia University
Mihalis Yannakakis is professor of computer science at Columbia University. He is noted for his work in computational complexity, databases, and other related fields.
INFORMS Fellows Class of 2023
Congratulations to the 2023 INFORMS Fellows! We’re so excited to have you join the ranks of other great contributors to our organization.
View previous Fellows classes and learn more about the process to elect a Fellow on the INFORMS website.
Selim Akturk
Maged Dessouky
Ozlem Ergun
Simge Kucukyavuz
Andrea Lodi
Ted Ralphs
Rhonda Righter
Kwok-Leung Tsui
Peiling Wu-Smith
Saul Gass Expository Writing Award
The Saul Gass Expository Writing Award honors an operations researcher or management scientist whose publications demonstrate a consistently high standard of expository writing. The awardee’s written work, published over a period of at least 10 years, should indicate (in terms of breadth of readership) an influence and accessibility enhanced by expository excellence.
Learn more about the Saul Gass Award and how to apply on the INFORMS website.
This winner of this year’s award is:
Mark Daskin
Frederick W. Lanchester Prize
The Lanchester Prize is awarded for the best contribution to operations research and the management sciences published in English in the past five years.
Learn more about the Lanchester Prize and how to be nominated on the INFORMS website.
The winners of this year’s prize are:
Guanghui (George) Lan
Rakesh Vohra
Philip McCord Morse Lectureship Award
The Lectureship is awarded in honor of Philip McCord Morse in recognition of his pioneer contribution to the field of operations research and the management sciences. The award is given in odd-numbered years at the Annual Meeting if there is a suitable recipient. The term of the lectureship is two years. The award is $2,000, a certificate, a travel fund of $5,000, a copy of Morse’s autobiography, In at the Beginnings: A Physicist’s Life, and a copy of Morse and Kimball’s Methods of Operations Research.
Learn more about the Philip McCord Morse Lectureship Award on the website.
This year’s winner is:
David Shmoys
Prize for the Teaching of OR/MS Practice
The purpose of this award is to recognize a teacher who has succeeded in helping their students to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be effective practitioners of operations research or the management sciences. An “effective practitioner” has respect for, understanding of, and the skills to surmount both the practical difficulties and technical challenges of doing good OR/MS work.
Learn more about the Prize for the Teaching of OR/MS Practice on the INFORMS website.
This year’s winners are:
Timothy Chan
Donald P. Gaver, Jr. Early Career Award
This award was established by a generous endowment from the Donald P. Gaver family. The purpose of the award is to support creative and diverse work in operations research in the early career of the recipient. The candidate must be within 10 years of receiving a Ph.D. and be in a tenure-track academic appointment.
Learn more about the establishment of the Gaver Award and how to be nominated on the INFORMS website.
The winner of this year’s award is:
Volunteer Service Award
The Volunteer Service Award was first awarded in 2016. Its purpose is to recognize exceptional volunteer service to INFORMS.
Learn more about the Volunteer Service Award on the website.
This year’s winners are:
Michael Johnson
Beverly Wright
Jun Zhuang
INFORMS Case Competition
The purpose of this annual competition is to encourage the creation, dissemination, and classroom use of new, unpublished cases in operations research and the management sciences. All cases are reviewed by a panel of judges familiar with the case method.
Learn more about the Case Competition and how to apply on the INFORMS website.
This year’s finalists are:
Mobismile Bike-Sharing
Deniz Akturk
Ozan Candogan
Racial bias in automated traffic law enforcement and the price of unjustness
Eleftheria Kontou
Chrysafis Vogiatzis
Honorable mention
Three Mountain Communications: Fairness Considerations for Workplace Task Allocation
Saurabh Bansal
Rashmi Sharma
Wei Wu
Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in the Practice of Advanced Analytics and Operations Research
This prize emphasizes the quality and coherence of the analysis used in practice. Dr. Wagner strove for strong mathematics applied to practical problems, supported by clear and intelligible writing. This prize recognizes those principles by emphasizing good writing, strong analytical content, and verifiable practice successes. This award is administered by the Practice Section of INFORMS.
Learn more about the Wagner Prize and how to apply on the INFORMS website.
Here are this year’s finalists:
Smart Parcel Consolidation at Cainiao
Yujie Chen
Yuwei Chen
Haoyuan Hu
Biao Yuan
Yinzhi Zhou
The Sort-Assemble-Blend Routing Problem and its Application to Semiconductors
Karl Kempf
Nicholas Mason
Evan Rash
Rachel Rosenberg
Delta Coverage: The Analytics Journey to Implement a Novel Nurse Deployment Program
Jacob Cecil
Mary Drewes
Jonathan Helm
Pengyi Shi
INFORMS Scholarship
INFORMS is pleased to announce scholarships for undergraduate students to attend the 2023 INFORMS Annual Meeting. This scholarship program aims to foster the professional pipeline of operations research, management science, and analytics researchers by providing undergraduate students an opportunity to experience these exciting fields and gain professional development opportunities by attending the INFORMS Annual Meeting.
Learn more about the INFORMS Scholarship and how to apply on the INFORMS website.
Here are the 2023 scholarship winners:
Valeria Castro Donoso
Changkun Guan
Mung Yao Jia
Zach Jordan
Ruofeng (Charlie) Liu
Jake Palmieri
Xinchang Wang
Seth Bonder Scholarship for Applied Operations Research in Health Services
The purpose of the Bonder Scholarship in Health Services is to promote the development and application of process modeling and O.R. analyses to healthcare design, delivery, and operations. The tenure of the award is one year. The scholarship provides funding from the Seth Bonder Scholarship Endowment and an additional $2,000 grant is funded by the Seth Bonder Foundation.
Learn more about the Bonder Scholarship for Health Services and how to apply on the INFORMS website.
This year’s scholarship recipient is:
Seth Bonder Scholarship for Applied Operations Research in Military and Security Applications
The purpose of the Bonder Scholarship for Applied Operations Research in Military & Security Applications is to promote the development and application of process modeling and operations research analyses to military issues. The scholarship provides funding from the Seth Bonder Scholarship Endowment and an additional $2,000 grant is funded by the Seth Bonder Foundation.
Learn more about the Bonder Scholarship for Military and Security Applications and how to apply on the INFORMS website.
This year’s scholarship recipient is:
Amazon SCOT and INFORMS Scholarships
This scholarship program, sponsored by Amazon SCOT, aims to foster the professional pipeline of operations research, management science, and analytics researchers by providing undergraduate juniors and seniors as well as graduate students from underrepresented groups an opportunity to experience these exciting fields and gain professional development opportunities by attending the INFORMS Annual Meeting.
Learn more about the Amazon SCOT and INFORMS scholarships and how to apply on the INFORMS website.
The year’s scholarships winners are:
Fernando Acosta-Perez
Adeola Adegbemijo
Nathan Adeyemi
Grace Babalola
Ayesha Farooq
Austin Iglesias Saragih
Henry Ivuawuogu
Caroline Johnston
Jiayue (Sylvia) Li
Ogechi Vivian Nwadiaru
Paula Penagos
Anastasia Rivera
Ryan Rodriguez
Jessica Shi
Morgan Wood
George Nicholson Student Paper Competition
The George Nicholson Student Paper Competition is held each year to identify and honor outstanding student papers in the field of operations research and the management sciences.
Learn more about the Nicholson Competition and how to apply on the INFORMS website.
Here are this year’s finalists:
First Place
Bayesian Design Principles for Frequentist Sequential Learning
Yunbei Xu
Second Place
Large Deviations and Metastability Analysis for Heavy-Tailed Dynamical Systems
Xingyu Wang
Dynamic Resource Allocation: Spectrum of Achievable Performances and Algorithmic Design Principles
Akshit Kumar
Mean-field Analysis for Load Balancing on Spatial Graphs
Daan Rutten
Distributionally Robust Linear Quadratic Control
Bahar Taşkesen
Estimate-Then-Optimize Versus Integrated-Estimation-Optimization: A Stochastic Dominance Perspective
Haofeng Zhang
George B. Dantzig Dissertation Award
The George B. Dantzig Award is given for the best dissertation in any area of operations research and the management sciences that is innovative and relevant to practice. The award was established to encourage academic research that combines theory and practice and stimulates greater interaction between doctoral students (and their advisors) and the world of practice. Learn more about the Dantzig Award and how to apply on the INFORMS website.
Here are this year’s finalists:
Experimental Design and Decision-Making in Marketplace Platforms
Hannah Li
Honorable Mentions
Revenue Management in Video Games and with Fairness
Xiao Lei
Social choice for social good: Proposals for democratic innovation from computer science
Paul Goelz
Uncertainty in Service Systems: Performance Measure Estimation and Optimization Methods for Contact Centers with Information Uncertainty
Antonio Castellanos
Adaptivity, Structure, and Objectives in Sequential Decision-Making
Sean Sinclair
Doing Good with Good O.R. Student Paper Competition
Doing Good with Good O.R. Student Paper Competition is held each year to identify and honor outstanding projects in the field of operations research and the management sciences conducted by a student or student group that have a significant societal impact. Operations research and management science methods and tools (broadly interpreted) must be central to the success of the projects described.
Learn more about the Doing Good with Good O.R. competition and how to apply in the future on the INFORMS website.
Here are this year’s finalists:
Community-engaged School District Design: A Stream-based Approach
Aysu Ozel
Second Place
Reducing Air Pollution through Machine Learning
Léonard Boussioux
Cynthia Zeng
Honorable Mentions
Analytics for Societal Impact: Improving Access to Volunteers on VolunteerMatch
Akshaya Suresh
Hartford HealthCare Improves Hospital Operations with Patient Outcome Predictions
Kimberly Villalobos Carballo
Liangyuan Na
Undergraduate Operations Research Prize
The Undergraduate Operations Research Prize Competition is held each year to honor a student or group of students who conducted a significant applied project in OR/MS, and/or original and important theoretical or applied research in OR/MS, while enrolled as an undergraduate student.
Learn more about the Undergraduate Prize and how to apply on the INFORMS website.
This year’s finalists are:
Smoothed Analysis of Online Non-parametric Auctions
Naveen Durvasula
Honorable Mention
A Time-Discretized Mathematical Model and Heuristic for Breast Cancer Radiotherapy
Scholar Sun
Getting Away with More Network Pruning: From Sparsity to Geometry and Linear Regions
Junyang Cai
Estimating and Visualizing Demand for Dockless Shared Micromobility Systems
Retail on Autonomous Wheels: A Time-Sensitive Traveling Salesman Problem
Zhuolun Dong
Cornell University Uses Integer Programming to Optimize Final Exam Scheduling
Tinghan Ye
Moving Spirit Award
K Jo Min
Jose Ramirez
Banafsheh Behzad
Judith Liebman Award
The Judith Liebman Award has been established to recognize outstanding student volunteers who have been “moving spirits” in their universities, their student chapters, and INFORMS.
Learn more about the Judith Liebman Award, previous winners, and how to make a nomination on the INFORMS website.
Please help us congratulate and celebrate this year’s winners, seen below:
Durant Fullington
Madison Evans
Student Chapter Annual Awards
The purpose of the Student Chapter Annual Awards is to recognize achievements of student chapters.
Learn more about the Student Chapter Annual Awards and how to apply on the INFORMS website.
Summa cum laude
University of Michigan
Texas A&M University
University at Buffalo SUNY
University of South Florida (USF)
The University of Texas at Dallas
Koc University
Magna cum laude
University of Illinois at Chicago
Northeastern University
Galileo University
Northwestern University
Lehigh University
The Ohio State University
University of Massachusetts Amherst
The University of Texas at Austin
Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
Virginia Tech
Clemson University
Cum laude
Mississippi State University
Georgia Southern University
University of Oklahoma
Pennsylvania State University
Auburn University
Oklahoma State University
The University of Louisville
Iowa State University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Honorable Mention
Carnegie Mellon University
Arizona State University
Claremont Colleges
University of Maryland, College Park
Georgia Institute of Technology
University of Wisconsin – Madison
University of Arkansas
Texas Tech University
2023 Community Awards
Every year, each INFORMS Community has numerous awards to recognize the efforts of community members and volunteers.