Get the credit you’ve earned!
Collect PDUs for participation in INFORMS Meetings.
Engagement and continuous learning are essential to career development and personal growth. INFORMS is pleased to provide Professional Development Units (PDUs) to those who participate in our meetings. The PDU is a measure of professional educational accomplishment, with one (1) PDU equaling one (1) hour of learning activity.
Fill out the PDU Capture form to document the activities in which you participated, complete with the name of the session, the date and the time. Forms must be submitted to Bill Griffin, INFORMS Professional Development Manager, [email protected].
Certified Analytics Professionals (CAP): This form is NOT to be used to submit your PDUs for your CAP/aCAP recertification. Please submit your PDUs through your account with Prolydian in order for them to count towards your CAP/aCAP recertification.