Recognizing Distinction in Applications of Analytics, Operations Research, and the Management Sciences
Monday, April 17, 7-10pm
The Edelman Gala awards four INFORMS level prizes over the course of this elegant evening. The Franz Edelman Award, emphasizing beneficial impact; the INFORMS Prize, emphasizing long-term, multi-project success; the Daniel H. Wagner Prize, emphasizing innovative methods and clear exposition; and the UPS George D. Smith Prize, emphasizing effective academic preparation; will be awarded at this elegant dinner. Admission to the gala and banquet is included in your full conference registration fee. The dinner and wine service begin at 7pm, followed by the awards ceremony.
Since 1972, INFORMS and the OR/MS and analytics community have celebrated and honored the very best in applied work in business or government with the annual Franz Edelman Award Competition. 2023 marks the 53rd anniversary of this outstanding and rigorous competition. Since 2006, we have marked this special occasion with the Edelman Gala, an evening filled with fun, excitement, and pride for the entire community.
In order to make this event memorable for attendees, those who view it later online, and executives who may not be as familiar with the transformative power of O.R. and analytics, we need the help of industry supporters like you. Pledge to be a sponsor of this outstanding event. Opportunities are available to be a general sponsor at different monetary levels. Each level offers a special thank you for your support. For details, please contact Olivia Schmitz from the Sponsorship page.
Edelman Executive Sponsors